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The movie finishes and I walk to the bathroom because I need to pee. When I walk back to the living room I see Mattia folding up the blanket we were using.

He turns around and smiles at me. I don't return his smile. He scrunched his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I wanna do this to myself."

"Do what to yourself?"

"This. I was upset with you this morning because you went over to Jenna's after you were here with me. But then you kiss me in the hall and I allow you to come over still. I got in a fight with Alexis because you were coming over and she couldn't. I had to tell Allan he couldnt come over because you were. I did all that and we arent even a thing. You're probably gonna go hangout with some other girl tonight and I'm gonna be looking like a fool for turning down Alexis and Allan for you."

"Allyson I wouldnt be here if I didn't want to be. I dont know how else I can tell you that. So, let me take you on a date. Tomorrow. 6 o'clock."

"I told Allan that I would hang out with him tomorrow."

"So hang out with him before our date."

"I'm not gonna do the same thing you did to me to him."

"So be transparent with him. Tell him we're going on a date. You can't hurt his feelings if he knows how things are from the start."

"Okay. Sure. Tomorrow at 8. How should I dress. Casual or fancy?"


"Where are we gonna go?"

"That's a surprise."

"Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning"

"Bye Ally." He says hugging me and walking out the front door.

I look around and start cleaning the house for when my mom comes home. I finish deep cleaning the kitchen and when I look at the clock its 8:30. I'm done with this shit for the night.

I walk up to my room and flop onto my bed and try to find a picture to post on Instagram. After failing to find one and giving up I just lay in my bed staring at the ceiling.

I feel my eyes start to get heavy and my body feeling relaxed on my bed when my phone rings. I pick it up and see that its Alexis. Do I want to answer? No. Am I going to because she'll just be pissy if I dont? Yes.


"Hey Allyyyy"

"Are you seriously drunk on a Monday night Alexis"

"I just had littleeee bitttt"

"I can't come get you this time Alexis."

"Whyyyy nottt"

"I'm home. Ready for bed. On a Monday Alexis. I'm not going out anymore. And honestly with the way you treated me earlier I dont know why I'd want to help you right now."

"Pleaseee. James went home early because he had homework. I'm by Walmart. I need you Ally."

"I'll buy you an uber. But I'm not going out"

"Thank you Allyson. You're so niceeee"

"Goodnight Alexis."

With that I hangup and get her an uber. Because once again here I am bailing Alexis out of a shitty situation. Here I am getting treated badly but still helping her.

Fuck me bro. I hear a string of 4 notifications go off on my phone so I pick it it. 2 messages from Alexis. One from Mattia and one from Allan

Thabk yoi foe teh ubrr
I oew yoi oen

She really is drunk.

Goodnight Allyson sleep good gorgeous

Goodnight Mattia. See you tomorrow

That was cute

See you tomorrow Ally. Goodnight

Goodnight Allan

With that I let my eyes finally close and let myself finally fall asleep.

A/n I have 300+ view on this which is so fucking crazy to me. Thank you guys so fucking much this story went from number 80 in mattiapolibio to 41 in less than a day and that's crazy to me I could never thank you all enough.

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