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How does he have this control over my body. I hardly talk to him but he has this affect on me.

He pulls away from the kiss and just looks at me. My cheeks grow hotter. "What?" I say with a giggle. What the fuck I dont giggle.

"Just observing you. Your beautiful face."

And my cheeks are more hot then ever. I don't say anything. Just look at him. With a smile.

"I have to got but trust me, I'll be back." He says

"Bye Mattia. I'll see you at school"

He hugs me before walking out of the front door.

Wow. Theres. Hes. My. I'm. Hes something special. Why is he doing this though. I'm not good enough for him. I dont get it. Hes could have anyone. Literally anyone. Hes gotta be messing with me. Somehow. Someway.

~The next morning~

I wake up and get dressed. As much as I want to trust Mattia. As much as I want to kiss him again. Hangout with him again. I can't. Hes going to hurt me. He has to be messing with me. Theres no way he isn't.

I decide to dress as good as I can. Look nice. Find someone more on my league to be with because Mattia. As good as he is. It's to good to be true. Hes to good to be true.

I put on an off the shoulder blue top and ripped jeans. I wear a pair of heels and I'm definitely going to regret that later but it looks good. I look in the mirror. I shouldn't wear this. I'm not cute in it. I'm not cute at all. I'm gonna wear it. I've got to. I need to. I want to.

I ask my mom to drive me to school because I don't want to and because driving in heels doesnt sound like a great idea

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I ask my mom to drive me to school because I don't want to and because driving in heels doesnt sound like a great idea.

I get out of the car and walk to the cafeteria where I find  Alexis. And immediately her jaw drops and she yells.


That immediately gets so many people looking in my direction and my face goes red. "Lex shhhhh. You're making people stare."

"Good. Everyone needs to see you. Fine ass."

I look around and catch Mattia staring at me. I look away. Hes gorgeous. So ugh. I look away. Hes too good for me. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. I look down at it.

You look good. Amazing

Thank you

I text back and look up at him. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. This isn't finding someone new Allyson. I look back at Alexis and start a conversation. I need to move on.

The bell rings. First period. I have that with Mattia. Fuck. I walk in and sit the back. Kairi comes in first and gives me a look before looking away and sitting down. He knows I slept with Mattia. He has to. Then Mattia walks in. Looks me directly in the eyes and sits down next to me.

I am never going to move one. I'm never gonna get over these feelings I feel about him if he sits next to me. If he calls me amazing. Hes making this so hard for me.

A/n if you're enjoying this story I'm so glad. Like fr. My views on this literally doubled overnight which is crazy to me ty all so very much. I love you🥺🥺

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