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The rest of the day went smoothly. By the time hector was at Alexis' me and Mattia had already left.

My mom called to wish me a happy birthday and it made me ten times happier. Me and Mattia spent the night at my house watching movies. This time we didnt get in a fight, thankfully.

"Goodmorning mamas" mattia says cuddling into me.

"Morning Tia" I says holding his body tight in my arms.

"Whatre we gonna do today?"

"Lay here. Like this. Forever please"

And like that, the moment is ruined once again from a knock on the door. I roll my eyes. "I'm not getting the door" I say annoyed.

"I'll get it" he says kissing my head and walking out of my room.

Mattias POV

I walk to the door opening it before immediately rolling my eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed that Hector is here to ruin the moment me and Ally were having, again.

"What're you doing here?" He asks

"Well this is MY girlfriends house and I do love spending time with her so"

"Well, where's Ally"

"In her room. Waiting on me. You should go" I say annoyed.

"Mattia baby who is it?" I hear her shout form upstairs.

"Its me Hector" the annoyance shouts.

She walks down the stairs wrapping her arms around me. Then looking at him.

"What's up Hector" she says looking back at me and kissing me. Someone feels touchy today. Ain't no complaints.

Hector fake coughs. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me. I need new clothes. I lost most of them during the move." He says

"Well, me and Mattia kind of had plans today. But, maybe we can hangout another time?" She asks holding me tighter.

"Whatre you guys doing? Maybe Lex, Allan, and I can join?"

"This is more of a 2 person thing. But we can all go out some other time." She says letting go and hugging him really quick. "I'll see you later Hector" she says shutting the door.

"I love you Allyson" I say kissing her.

"I love you more." She respond hugging me. "I'm gonna have to hangout with it tomorrow after blowing him off today"

"Do you HAVE to"

"Yeah, he is my friend you know."

"So is Alexis. But shes not randomly showing up at your door everytime we are having a good time." I say walking up the stairs.

"Maybe Ale Kai and all them can come with me you hector lex and Allan that way theres more distance between you guys and I dont have to hangout with him without you being around" she offers as we walk into her room

"Sounds like a plan babygirl" I say flopping into her bed and opening my arms so she can lay with me.

A/n I decided to update early asf today because it's me birthday and Ik imma be busy later but I want to be constant for yall because I fucking love you guys. Happy birthday to me!

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