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I layed in my bed Mattia following my lead with all off the snacks in our hands. It was only 2 but we wanted to start our movies now.

The first movie I let Mattia choose. He chose Nightmare on Elm street. Against my better wishes. Freddy Krueger is ugly and scares the piss out of me.

Spending time with Mattia makes me feel so relaxed. Happy. Whole. I lay my head on his chest while I eat some gummy bears and hide my eyes from the movie every 20 seconds.

After 2 movies. The second one Toy Story Mattia orders a pizza for us and grabs me a water from downstairs.

"Mattia, don't leave me please."

He just looks up at me and furrows his eyebrows. "I already told you I was staying the night." He laughs and pulls me on top of him.

"No, in general. You're like kinda cool I guess and I feel happy when you talk to me and losing you would suck so bad."

"What's going on in your head right now. I dont plan on leaving you."

"I've just never been in a relationship. I dont know what to do. Its wierd. I just. Dont laugh at me" I say crossing my arms as he starts laughing.

"You're cute Ally" he says kissing me.

I smile and lay back on the bed. "Allan and his boyfriend broke up." I say frowning.

"Allan's boyfriend used to hit on me in middle school" Mattia laughs

"I think Alexis likes him"


"Yeah. They've gotten really close. And he was the first person she talked to when her and james ended things. Honestly I'd be offended it if you weren't the first person I talk to about my problems."

"I'm the first person you talk to?"

"Yeah, I feel comfortable talking about my problems with you."

"Allan should really ask Alexis out." He says searching through movies.

"I'm gonna go get the pizza" I say hearing the doorbell. Mattia just nods.

When I open the door it isn't the pizza guy, it's my old friend. Hector. He moved Freshman year. "Hey Hector. What're you doing here. You moved" I say smiling and hugging him.

"My parents got divorced and my dad wanted to move back to Jersey." He says pulling away and smiling. "I wanted to tell you in person. Not over the phone." He continues.

I smile. "Well my boy-" I start but am cut off by Mattia.

"Hey where's the pizza- Hector?" He says getting to the bottom of the stairs and wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close.

"Hey Mattia. I just came to tell Allyson I was moving back I'll go" he says smiling at us and turning around.

"I'll call you later!" I shout after him.

Mattia rolls his eyes and walks back upstairs. The pizza comes as hector left the driveway. I get it and go back up to Mattia.

"Whyre you being so annoying?" I say closing my door.

"Why is a random guy just showing up your door"

"Because he was my bestfriend before you even looked at me" I say annoyed at his attitude.

"Yeah and he moved 2 years ago. You guys didnt even talk for that time and he just shows up? That's fucking wierd Allyson." He says crossing his arms.

"HES MY FRIEND MATTIA. I WAS GLAD TO SEE HIM" I yell crossing my arms.

"and you're MY girlfriend Allyson. Random fucking guys shouldn't be showing up at your door." He says standing up.

"Hes my fucking friend Mattia. Goddammit. You have girl friends like fucking Vic and Taylor. Why is it different when I have guy friends?" I say throwing my hands up in the air.

"Because Vic and Taylor have boyfriends. Because you're MINE. Hector cant have you." He says walking closer to me.

"We had a fucking 5 minute conversation Mattia. He doesnt have me. Nor will he. You're being over dramatic."

"He always had a crush on you Allyson. EVERYONE knew it." He rolls his eyes again.

"Whatever. Clearly I want YOU or i wouldnt be with you. I fucking love you okay. Can you move on. It's been 2 years. If he ever liked me hes moved on."

"I love you too Ally" he says hugging me.

A/n welcome in our beloved hector to this story

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