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I grab a paper, writing the note. Alexis at my side smiling and reading it as I write it.

I put the pen down. Smiling down at what I wrote. "Hows this?" I ask looking at Alexis.

"I think it's perfect, how are you gonna read it to him?"

"I was thinking about asking him out on a date, reading it to him wherever we go."

She smiles at me. "Well, I've gotta go Ally, but I love you, call me tomorrow and tell me how this goes. Okay?"

"You got it" I smile hugging her as she leaves.

I grab my phone, texting Mattia.

Hey babe, I miss you,
breakfast date tomorrow
when you get home?

I miss you more. And
yes duh. I'll get to my
house around 8:00
Date at 9 sound good?

For sure. I love you

I love you more. Sleep
well princess

I smile at my phone. Walking upstairs, showering, brushing my teeth and getting in bed. Falling asleep as soon at my hed hits the pillow.

I wake up. Rubbing my eyes and rushing to the bathroom, throwing up. Gross. I wash my mouth out and brush my teeth before walking downstairs to get water. I'm having mattias kid. I whisper under my breath. Smiling at the though. Then getting nervous about the whole situation. Hes not gonna leave you. I repeat in my head, reassuring myself.

I walk back up the stairs smiling. Excited. I'm ready for this. I look in the closet. Picking an outfit that is casual but also fancy. Something right for the day. Once I feel like the outfits as good as its going to get I put it on looking in the mirror.

 Once I feel like the outfits as good as its going to get I put it on looking in the mirror

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I hope he likes this. I look at the time. 8:30. As I'd on cue my phone rings. Mattias name flashing across the screen.

"Hey" I say smiling.

"I just got home. Im still picking you up at 9 right?"

"Right" I respond.

"I cant wait to see you. Ditching class today?"

"Yessir." I say, he just got home. I dont wanna go.

"See you soon babygirl" I smile even though he cant see and he hangs up.

30 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I open it, revealing Mattia. Immediately my body is engulfing his in a hug. Feeling extremely grateful for him.

"So, where are we going?"

"The restaurant we went on on our first date" I say smiling up at him.

"Okay baby, let's goooo" he says grabbing my hand and leading us to the car.

I get in feel more nervous now then ever. Not letting it show. The note in my bag waiting for me to read it to him. Along with the pregnancy test I'll show him after. We pull up and walk inside. My heart beating out of my chest.

"So, um theres a reason I wanted to take you out today." I say after we got our food.

"Oh yeah? What's that"

"I wrote this," I say grabbing the note out of my bag. "And I wanted to read it and get your input." I look into his eyes.

"Then read it princess" he says smiling. Intertwining both of his hands. Giving me his full attention. I take a deep breath opening it. Starting to read.

"I never expected you to come into my life so soon. I'm only 17, a child still. But here you are. I've only know you for 2 days now, but I know I love you so much already" I look up at mattia, hes confused, he looks jealous. I continue. "I want to thank your father for everything. Because I wouldnt know you without him, many people are going to say I dont know what I'm thinking. That I'm delusional. But more than anything I know that this is what's right for me. Coming to terms that this is really happening is crazy. Because it's scary. I'm scared. But through all the risks I know you're worth it. So, I'll meet you in 9 months. Sincerely, mom." I look up wiping a tear. Looking at mattia. Who's eyes are watering.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yeah" I say grabbing the test out of my bag to show him.

"Oh my gosh" he says covering his mouth. Smiling. Then standing to hug. Me. "I'm gonna be a dad. You're gonna be the mother to my kid. I'm. Oh my. Yes." He says pulling away. Kissing me.

I just smile. Thinking about what's gonna be. How my life with Mattia is gonna be. He starts talking

"You asked why when I first started hanging out with you, you asked why I would want you and this is why. I love seeing you. I love talking to you. Helping you. And, honestly the real question is why wouldnt someone love you?"

I smile hugging him. "Are you ready for this" I asked pulling back.

"Why? Why wouldnt I be" he says hugging me tighter.

The end.

A/n that's the end of this story. Dont worry though. The first chapter of the sequel is tomorrow. No wait or anything, tomorrow.

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