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I never really thought I'd be the kind of girl to be making out with a guy in the hallway by my locker. And I surely never thought I'd be making out with Mattia by my locker. But here I am. Pinned against the locker. Mattias lips on mine. I'm not complaining because Mattia is hot as hell and I'm lucky. I just never thought I'd be me.

"Allyyyyyy!!" I hear someone yell down the hall. Mattias lips separate from mine and he grabs my hand.

"Cockblock." He whispers under his breath so only I can hear him. I laugh and turn around. Jenna. What the hell does she want.

"Don't call me Ally. Only my friends call me that." I scoff. Mattia laughs.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house tonight me and all my friends are having a sleepover." She smiles. Ew.

"If you and your friends will be there, hell no" I respond with the most fake smile.

"Its not like you have any better plans" she says crossing her arms.

"Actually, I do. Alexis and Allan are coming over tonight."

"Allan is coming over? You have a boyfriend"

"Yeah, and so does Allan."

"Mattia will you come over tonight please?" She says looking over at him. I roll my eyes harder than I ever have.

"Nah. I think I might hangout with the boys tonight."

With that Jenna storms away because she didnt get what she wanted.

"I fucking hate her." I say letting go of mattias hand and opening my locker.

"Allan is going to your house tonight?"


"I dont know how that makes me feel"

"Oh. I never thought of that. Um well Allan has a boyfriend. And I really like you so trust me, there is nothing between me and Allan."

"I trust you baby. Just dont go break my heart and shit." He says grabbing my waist and pulling my into a hug.

"I would never. I don't wanna lose you"

With that the final bell rings and I walk out to my car after Mattia kisses me goodbye.

When I get home I just finish homework so I dont have to worry about it later.

5 o'clock comes around and Allan and Alexis show up. They come in quiet. Like weirdos.

"Whatre you so quiet for?"

"I'm not telling her." Allan says

"Um. Ally. You need to check Jenna's snapchat story."

I furrow my eyebrows and check her story. When I see it my heart drops.

 When I see it my heart drops

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Immediately I call Mattia. This fucking asshole. He told me he wouldnt. He promised.

"He better answer the damn phone"


"You're at her house?!"

"Baby what are you talking about?"

"Dont baby me Mattia. Fuck you"

"Ally. What's wrong. What'd I do?"

"You're an asshole. Why are you at her fucking house. After you promised you wouldnt go over there anymore."

"Allyson I'm at Alejandros. Whatre talking about."

"I saw you on her story Mattia." I say as a single tear rolls down my face.


"Jenna" I say and hangup before I really start crying. What a fucking asshole.

Mattias POV

I open snapchat and go immediately to Jenna's story. That fucking cunt. The picture was from 2 months ago, when I was talking to Jenna again. I call her.

"Hey Mattia"

"Fuck you Jenna. You're a fucking bitch. You knew that was gonna start shit between me and Allyson. I really like her yknow. So, can you just fucking stop worrying about what's going on in my life and fucking move on"

"I had you first Mattia."

"Yeah you did. And you fucked it up. I've moved on Jenna. Get that through your thick skull. Allyson is who I want. Allyson is the girl I choose to be with. So just leave us alone. Please." And with that I hang up on her.

Fuck. I have to go see her. "Alejandro! I'm going to Ally's. I'll be back later."

"Good luck" he says waving me off.

I get to Allysons house way faster than usual. I rush to the door and knock 4 times.

Alexis opens it and gives me a dirty look. "Now is NOT the time Mattia"

"Please let me talk to her. I cant loose her"

"You should have thought of that before you went to Jenna's." She says crossing her arms.

"I wasnt at Jenna's. That picture was from before."

"Bullshit Mattia. You arent coming in." She says starting to close the door. Then a quiet voice says

"Let him in. He has a right to explain himself."

Allyson. Oh allyson. Shes crying I can tell.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Lex. Let him in"

The door opens all the way again and Alexis looks me dead in the eyes. "Hurt her I'll kill you"

I just nod and walk in. Allyson is sitting on the floor with tear stained cheeks. My baby.

"Oh baby" I say walking to her and hugging her tight.

"You came to explain Mattia. Do it" she says crossing her arms.

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