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I walk into the lunch room looking around trying to find Alexis. Where the HELL is she.

As if on cue my phone rings and her name pops up on the screen. "Hello, where the fuck are you"

"Chill Ally. I'm with James he had to run home to get some clothes so I came with him. I'll see you later."

"Yeah okay bye." What the fuck we gon do now. I get a bag of cheetos out of the vending machine and walk to the table at the way back corner of the cafeteria. I just sit there and get on my phone.

As much as an asshole as Mattia was to say I didn't have friends other than Alexis. He was right.

As I click through snapchat stories hoping someone, anyone, would hmu I feel a presence sit across from me. I look up from my phone.

I've seen this guy before but I cant quite put my finger on it.

"Hey I'm Allan. I usually sit back here alone because I dont have many friends but you're here today so hi."

"Hey I'm Allyson. I usually sit with my friend Alexis and her boyfriend because shes my only friend but they went to his house for lunch today so hi"

"Hows your day?" He says taking a bite of his sandwich. Immediately Mattia comes to my mind.

"Its been. Uh. Interesting I guess. But, how has your day been?"

"My ex is trying to text me and shes with my friend now so uh. Mines been interesting too."

I laugh and eat a cheeto. "Ex's are difficult arent they?" He asks me.

"I wouldn't know, I've never dated anyone. The closest I've gotten to dating was I was talking to this guy sophomore year. But even that ended badly."

"You've never dated anyone?"

"Nope" I say popping the p.

"So like you probably havent kissed anyone before."

"No actually I had my first kiss 7th grade in a game of truth or dare"

"Oh classic"

"It was a terrible experience."

"I had my first kiss in 8th grade. It was guy because we were playing spin the bottle."

"Oh damn"

"That's when I realized I was bisexual." He laughs

"I'm straight but there was an awkward year in middle school where I though I liked alexis because she was the only person who talked to me."

He just laughs. Talking to Allan felt so easy. Words came out so easily. It was relaxing. But if course that didnt last long.

"Hey Allyson hows it going." Mattia says sitting next to me grabbing my thigh. I immediately push his hand off my thigh.

"I'm clearly talking to Allan, Mattia"

"Hey Allan. Is it cool if Ally comes with me for a second."

"Yeah sure." He says smiling.

Mattia grabs my arm and starts walking. I pull it away.

"Here's my number. We should hangout sometime." I say writing it down on a napkin and smiling at him.

"For sure." He smiles and nods me off because Mattia is waiting.

I follow Mattia out of the lunch room and into the hallway.

"What the hell do you want Mattia."

"Why were you hanging out with Allan" he says staring into my eyes.

"Because I can why the hell do you even care." I roll my eyes crossing my arms.

"Because I thought we had something" he tells throwing his arms in the air.

"You thought we had something? And that's why you go to other girls' houses immediately after mine?" I say walking closer to him having a sudden feeling of confidence.

"Jenna is my friend Allyson. So yeah I hung out at her house. You said you weren't mad about that."

"I'm not. Because I knew it would happen. Because shes pretty. And funny. And everything I'm not. So I expected you to want someone like her and not me."

"That's the problem. I dont fucking want her. If I did i wouldnt be out here with you right now. If I did I wouldnt care if you gave your fucking number to Allan. I want you."

"Whatever Mattia." I say dropping my arms to my sides I start walking back to the cafeteria. I feel him turn me around my my wrist.

He connects our lips and the all too familiar butterflies come back. Ughhh.

"I'm still coming over tonight at 5." He says walking back into the cafeteria.

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