~Prologue: 7 years Ago~

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Katniss Everdeen's P.O.V.

"Katniss, can we go play today?" My little sister asks me, and comes to sit next to me on the couch.

"Maybe, Little Duck. But Mom said she's coming to get us, remember?" I say.

"But will she this time? She never does anymore." She says truthfully.

I don't really know what to say. What she says is true. Our Mom is never there for us. Hasn't been in a long time. Our Dad says she is sad, so she takes some things to make herself better. But.. she never is. And I don't think she ever will be. They don't live with each other anymore. And the police said we can't live with her anymore. So Prim and I live with our Dad. And Mom is allowed to come and be with us sometimes. But we can't sleep over or live with her. Prim speaks the truth that Mom doesn't come. Which hurts her and me every time. She always promises one day. Then calls a few minutes before she is supposed to show up. So then I have to be with Prim, since our Dad works late. But, I always wait by the window. Just in case I see her coming back.

"I hope so. I bet she will, don't worry, okay?" I say. "Go get your Barbies and we'll play while we wait."

"Okay!" She says excitedly.

She hurries off to her room and I resume my lookout. We live by a traffic light. So I can always see the cars turn onto the street. Mom's car is a red van. And there is a heart on the antenna. There is a bumper sticker of Disneyland that we bought when we went when I was five. I wait and watch. Her car never drives by. I look at the clock above the piano. The time reads, 3:36. Mom was supposed to be here at 3:00.

"Katniss! Which one do you want to be?" Prim asks and comes back.

She holds out two Barbies in front of me. Mom gave them to her when she was three. One looks like her. The other looks similar to her, but a little bit different. These are the only toys she's ever received from our Mom.

"You pick mine, Little Duck." I say with a soft smile.

"Okay! Ummmm... This one!" She says and hands me the other one.

I laugh a little and accept the doll. This is the reason why I'll never allow my mother into my heart. Or life. She left us. And I had to keep Prim close. And I always will. From the world. And from her.

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