Chapter 15

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~ 1 Month Later ~

Katniss's P.O.V.

"Kit-Kat, it's going to be okay

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"Kit-Kat, it's going to be okay. You just have to tell the truth." Peeta says and takes a hold of my shaking hand as we wait outside of the courtroom.

'The truth will hurt him more...' I think.

My leg keeps bouncing up and down. And out of nerves I keep creasing the lines in my skirt. Peeta has Ruby in her carrier next to him. Prim is next to her, followed by Madge and Annie. Then, along with the whole HU Crew are going to testify as well, but mine matters most. Since I was the victim. The court gets called to order. Gale and his lawyer enter and sit down on the opposite table of me. I avoid looking in his direction. I can't.

"The stand would like to call witness, Katniss Layla Everdeen to the stand."

I feel like I could throw up. My heart wants to leap from my chest. I slowly and cautiously approach the witness stand. I take my seat and recite the sworn oath.

"I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Affirmation: I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." I say.

Gale's lawyer comes up.

"Miss Everdeen, is it or is it not true that you were in a relationship with my client?" He asks.

"Yes. That is true. Since Jr. High." I say.

"And, could you share with us the experience with Mr. Hawthorne?"

"It was a great time in my life, for the most part." I say.

"For the most part, care to elaborate?"

"When... High School came around... things just changed. He'd drink, smoke, and drugs. And at that time, my Mother was doing those things as well. And it was hard, since he'd get... Abusive..." I explained.

"Yet you stayed?"

"Of course, I loved him. And I wanted to help him. Since I couldn't save my mother." I say.

"No further questions, Your Honor." He says,

My lawyer comes to ask me questions next.

"Miss Everdeen, is it true that the defendant would have times of excessive alcohol and paraphernalia uses, which in the end led to the abuse of you?"

"That is true, yes. Not very often, but when it did happen... It was hard."

"And the most recent besides the matter in which we are all here, is he was drinking and you wanted him to stop, is that correct?"

"Yes. I was dealing with it with my mother, and didn't want to be with him. So I told him to give it up, so I could stay. He didn't and then I tried to break up with him. Which led to a physical encounter and hospitalization with what he did." I will explain.

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