Chapter 9

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~ May 8th; Katniss's 17th birthday ~ 

~ May 8th; Katniss's 17th birthday ~ 

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Peeta's P.O.V.

"Alright, Kit-Kat, come this way." I say and help her out of the car.

"You guys, didn't have to do this. I didn't want anything for my birthday. I have the three of you." She says.

"We insist. You deserve a special day." Prim says with a big, bright, smile.

Katniss smiles down at her as I place something in her hand. An envelope containing the things she's always wanted to own but never had enough money for. Two concert tickets to go see her favourite band of all time, Hollywood Undead.

They were being opened by Twenty One Pilots and Coheed and Kambria, two other favourite bands of Katniss'. They were surely going to take her mind off Gale and her mother.

'Peeta, what is this?' She asks me, confused.

'Open it,' I urge her, 'you're gonna like it, trust me.'

Katniss's P.O.V.

I open it carefully to reveal two tickets sitting inside and take them out. Two tickets to see Hollywood Undead later this month. May 25th, nine o'clock sharp.

'Peeta, Prim, you guys didn't have to do this for me.' I say, 'how'd you afford them? They're like $20 a pop, you know.'

'We scraped together whatever we could find to get them both.' Prim explains, 'took a while but we got enough in time.'

'This is really sweet of you guys, thank you!' I'm on the verge of crying with happy tears. This means so much to me.

'Ooh! The line's moving!' Prim points out.

We move closer towards the entrance of the restaurant. Even with a reservation, you still have to wait in a line to get in. Not surprising, it's the most popular restaurant in town.

 Not surprising, it's the most popular restaurant in town

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~••••Time Skip; May 25th- Concert!••••••~

We find our seats in the concert hall. People are talking around as they wait for the concert to begin. I'm excited for it to start but the look on Peeta's face tells a different story. He's never been keen on Hollywood Undead.

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