Chapter 29

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Unknown Person's P.O.V.

I find her friends and family who are waiting for her outside in the waiting room outside the operating room. They look terrified and pale. Clearly the plan set in place is finally working the way it was planned to.

One of her friends walks up to me with a concerned look on his face as he asks me about the well-being of his friend.

'Is she ok?' He asks me.

I nod, 'sir, she's doing fine. We've got the best of our doctors working to keep her and the child alive. You have nothing to worry about. They're in good hands.' I say. 'Her Doctor will let you know when she is back in her room. If you'll excuse me.'

I leave and turn the corner into a corridor. I slip into a back room. My phone vibrates as soon as the door is closed.

I have the girl. Leave when able to. Snow wants us back.


Okay. Will be there soon. She's in the operating room. The pain meds to subside the pain did what they were supposed to. Should leave some damage to her and the children like Snow asked.

Good. Snow wants us there to explain the next phase. He has called on some people in her life to carry out some things for them until our ransom is met.

I'll be there soon. I have to check a few things.

I put my phone away and left the room. I go down the opposite corridor of the O.R. I go to the break room and change out of these stupid scrubs. I put my red hair into two buns and put on my black leather uniform. I situate my pin of a rose on my jacket lapel. I leave and bring the scrubs and fake nurse badge with me. I go to the room where Katniss will be returned to. I take out the white rose from my pocket and set it on her bedside table. I exit the hospital and drive to the Mansion. I stop at the bridge and grab my persona disguise. I threw it over the bridge.

'Nobody needs to know.' I think with an evil smirk.

~ Few Hours Ago ~

Unknown Person's P.O.V.

I carry the target's daugher in my arms. I have always been fond of children, and never really wanted to hurt them. I don't know what Snow and Coin have planned for her, but I hope she will be okay. She's rather cute.

'Everything will be okay Sweetie. Just have to go away for a while. Your parents have to pay a price to get you back.' I say to her.

I take her to the hospital break room for staff. I get her a binkie and take out some sleeping medication from the cupboard. I dip her binkie in it then go and put it in her mouth.

'Just go to sleep, Little One. When you wake up, you'll be safe.' I say softly to her.

She sucks on it for a few moments, then her eyes flutter shut. I smile. I put her in a carrier and covered it with a blanket. I change from my fake scrubs and into my black leather uniform. I let my blonde hair fall and it curls over my shoulders. I pin my rose on my jacket's lapel. I pick up the carrier with the girl, and bring my persona disguise with me. I put her in the car and then get in. I send the text to my partner saying I have her. I stop at the bridge that is a few miles before Snow's Mansion. I throw my persona disguise over it.

'Nobody needs to know.' I think.

~ Present Moment ~

Danny's P.O.V.

I pace back and forwards as we wait for news on how Katniss is doing and if she's in a stable condition or not. Everyone else is sitting on their phones as I stand and fidget in the hallway.

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