Chapter 4

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~ 1 Month Later ~

Peeta's P.O.V.

I wake up from a good night's rest. My phone vibrates and lights up. I pick it up and a big smile grows on my face.

Kat❤: Hey, Baby. Morning.

Me: Hi, Love. Good Morning.

Kat❤: Do you want to hang out later?

Me: Sure, Babe. Do u work?

Kat❤: Nah, not until Sunday. Want to 👉👌?

Me: You know it, Kat. 😘

Kat❤: Kay. No one will be here until around 8. Prim is at a friends, my dad is working.

Me: K, cool. Where do you live?

Kat❤: 1346 S Oakland Dr. Oh... and sorry.

Me: For what?

Kat❤: My house is a piece of shit...

Me: Hey, I don't care about that. Just you. You're my girlfriend.

Kat❤: Thx. You're an amazing boyfriend. Better than Gale ever was.

Me: He doesn't know, right?

Kat❤: No... he hasn't been around here. Or texted me or called.

Me: You think you should tell him?

Kat❤: Probs. K, I will. Come over around noon then. Imma invite him over to talk.

Me: Alright. Hey, I love you.

Kat❤: I love you too. Only you, Peeta.

Me: You got this, Katniss. He never loved you. He was a major ass-wipe.

Kat❤: I know... I know. He just... Can be intense. 😔💔

Me: Need me there, Love?❤❤

Kat❤: Nah... I can do it. I'll let you know if things get out of hand, k?

Me: Alright. I love you❤❤

Kat❤: Love you too, Baby. 😘😘

Katniss's P.O.V.

I just got off the phone with Gale. He's coming over. I need to break up with him. I have been seeing Peeta for the past month or so. And surprisingly, no one but us know. I sneak out to see him and come home so no one knows I ever left. We are very active sexually. Which I have never been with Gale. Peeta treats me better. Physically, emotionally. He truly loves me, unlike Gale. He uses me for his sick amusement. Beating me, destroying himself like my mother, destroying me in the process. I can't be with someone so toxic for me. The doorbell rings and I get up from the couch. I answer the door.

"Hey... you wanted to talk?" Gale says.

"Yeah. Come in." I say, trying not to meet his gaze. I move and he comes in my house. We sit down on the couch.

"Where's your family?" He asks.

"Out and about." I sigh.

"Something wrong?" He asks me.

"Gale... I, um... I'm sorry." I start. "We need to break up. I can't be with you anymore... This is just... Way too much."

"What?" He asks, looking dumbfounded.

"You heard me. We never should've been together from the start. This isn't working. You won't stay sober. You keep smoking. And I can't take it. I can't have my heart break anymore." I say.

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