Chapter 5

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Peeta's P.O.V

I sit on one side of the bed, staring at the floor with a worried expression. Anyone could read it. I look back at Katniss, her hands on top of her stomach and her head resting upwards. I try to sit comfortably in my seat but I can't. This whole situation is messed up... those blood stains on her, the messed up furniture Gale broke, Gale hurting and harrassing Katniss in general makes me sick. Katniss's eyes open slightly. I immediately come over and peck her on the lips, then carefully hug from the side.

"Thank god you're okay!" I say, gazing into her grey eyes.

"Ugh, where am I?" She whimpers.

"Don't try to speak, okay? Just relax, you need to heal... a lot." I tell her.

"But... Gale... H-He, he punched me. And hurt me badly... I-In more ways than one..." She stutters. A few shiny droplets lay on her cheeks, but I wipe them away.

"I know... I know. But he won't hurt you ever again, I promise. I'll make sure of it. That prick doesn't even deserve to be thought about. So... so let's try to focus on something else..." I softly whisper. I cup her cheek and she cups mine. Small smiles fill the room and I feel a bit of hope. Some of the anger goes away as I hold hands with my love. My true love. She is my everything, and I'm hers. Her eyes close. She drifts away to sleep. I sigh and sit back in my chair. I might as well get comfy, I might be here for a while...

~Later in the Evening~

The trees and houses fly by us, the car driving at a normal speed. I would drive faster so I can get Katniss home so she can rest. But if the ride is bumpy then she might only get worse... Ugh, that idiot! He deserves to pay for what he's done to Katniss. After I called the ambulance, I called the cops to pick up Gale who was also knocked out. They took him away, so that's good. Katniss would still be scarred for life, mentally, emotionally and maybe physically... I know her life hasn't always been good. Mine hasn't either. But I'll do whatever it takes to make Katniss happy.

I pull up to her driveway. I park the car, then carefully and slowly carry Katniss out and into the house. I lay her onto her bed, her fragile body leans to the side. Her hair strands fall onto her pillow. I tuck a bit behind her ear. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. I take a quick look around. There's not a big mess anymore in the lounge room, the cops must've cleaned it up. I go to the kitchen and make coffee. I really need it, Katniss would like one as well. Once I pour the kettle into the two cups and stir it together, I head back to Katniss. I take a quick glance outside of the window, and a car parks in front of our house. A man gets out of the car and a little girl follows after. That must be Katniss's sister, Prim. And her Dad too, Shawn. They walk with each other, happily laughing with each other as they reach the front door. Knocking sounds filled the house like an echo. I go to open the door, which is a surprise to them.

"Peeta? What are you doing in our house?" He asks curiously. I've heard and talked with Shawn before, but it seems kinda awkward and strange to meet him in person.

"Oh, um... Katniss... She's lying in bed. She got in this situation, and she got seriously hurt within the process..." I say, staring at the ground and rubbing my neck nervously.

"What?! Let me see her." He says. I move aside and let him in. He rushes to the bedroom and I can hear soft mumbles coming from Katniss. Prim then rushes in and goes in as well.

I close the front door and then follow them back to Katniss. Her Dad and Prim are asking her a ton of questions and making sure she is alright. I stay in the doorway. I don't want to get into the middle of their family right now.

"I'm fine now, guys. I swear. I was saved before anything bad continued." Katniss says reassuring them.

Prim hugs her and cries on her. Her Dad holds both of them. Prim let's her go and then comes to me. She hugs me tightly.

"Thank you for saving my sister. I can't lose anyone else. Especially not her." Prim says.

"I'll never let anything bad happen to her ever again, Prim. I promise." I say.

"Prim, stay here for a minute with Katniss. I need to talk with him." Mr. Everdeen says.

Prim goes and joins Katniss in her bed. Katniss gives me a small smile. I smile back and then leave with her Dad. He takes me to the living room.

"I need your help, Son." He says with a sigh and takes a seat on the couch.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Everdeen. What is it?" I ask.

"You may or may not have known about my wife, Noel. She's had a struggle with drug addiction for a long time. We seperated when Katniss and Prim were young for the best life for them. Katniss took it hard. She.. uh. Has to take care of us since Noel doesn't support us much." He explains. "And about a month ago, she was in a rehab again. She left about a few weeks ago. And tonight... we found out she's... gone. For good. She passed due to an overdoes."

"Oh my God.. I'm.. I'm so sorry, Shawn." I say.

"I don't know whether or not to tell Katniss. After this whole night of mess..." He says and rubs his face with a sigh.

"I may not have been dating her for the longest time.. But I know her heart. And with this whole Gale thing and just life in general... I'd hold off. I worry how she'd take it if she found out right now." I say.

"Yes.. I agree." He says and nods. "Thank you, Peeta. For taking care of her. I've never seen her this happy in a very, very, long time."

"Of course, Mr. Everdeen. I never will stop caring, or loving her." I say.

"She's lucky to have someone like you. Her life hasn't been the best." He says.

"If it's fine with you, I'd like to stay here. For when you tell her and after, and to just make sure she's healing from the incident." I say.

"That's fine with me. I bet she'd really be grateful if you do." He says.

Suddenly Prim comes rushing into the living room. She has a worried look on her face.

"Dad, something is wrong. Katniss is sick. She's been throwing up a lot." Prim says panicking.

"Is she still?" I ask worried too.

"I don't know. She had me come get one of you." She says.

I go with Prim to the bathroom. I gently knock on the door.

"Kat, is everything alright?" I ask.

"Ye-Y-Yeah. Fine." She groans.

I hesitantly open the door. She's sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. Her face is in her knees. I crouch down beside her.

"You alright, Katniss?" I ask.

She looks up from her knees. She has pain written all over her. I gently take a small strand of her hair out of her mouth.

"My head hurts. So does my stomach." She says.

"You have a concision still, and probably sore from the glass. Is it still bleeding?" I say.

She reaches for the bottom of her shirt and lifts it up. A gauze bandage is wrapped tigh around her abdomen. No blood is visible on the bandage.

"Okay, so that's good. No more bleeding. You're probably sick from the conclusion. I had one once. I was sick for a week until it went away." I say.

She nods. She lays her head on my shoulder. I hold her hand and rest my head on hers.

"Will you stay with me, Peeta?" She asks me softly.

I look at her and smile a soft smile. I kiss her gently.

"Always, Katniss." I say. 

HEYYY!! SOOO what'd yall think? Feel free to comment and or PM us k? Plz vote and more will be out soon! Yay! Lots of love from me, Fern, and Avo! BAIII!!❤❤❤❤

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