Chapter 37

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Katniss's P.O.V.

'I don't know why he's so pissed. It's my body, I can do what I want with it!' I say with a frustrated tone.

'He just wants what's best for you, that's all. We all do.' Jorel tries to comfort me.

'But he didn't have to go and fly off the shitting handle though, did he?!' I exclaim, 'I explained I weren't going to put myself through that shit yet the fucking rat bastard son of a fucking bitch we call Danny didn't fucking understand, did he?!'

'Deep breaths, Kat. Calm down.' He tells me, 'let's talk this through calmly, alright?'

'How can I fucking calm down when someone who I thought cared about me and supported my choices fucking ditched me when I needed my friends the most this time?!' I exclaim.

'Kat, chill. We don't hate you. Danny might, but we don't. We're only pretending to so we can stay on his good side.' Jorel explains, 'although if he finds out I'm here, he'll have one more person to add to his list of people he hates.'

I sit down at the table, frustrated. Anger is still bubbling inside of me along with a bit of sadness about losing a close friend over a stupid choice.

'Kat, you ok?' I hear Jorel ask me, 'you're gonna be ok.'

'Be ok? Be ok?!' I say, 'Jorel, how can everything be ok when I'm on the verge of losing everyone I know, love, and care about. I wouldn't say that I'm "going to be ok". Would you think so, too?'

'Well... when you put it like that, no. But like the song says, always look on the bright side of life.' He says, trying his best to smile and brighten the mood, 'let's... talk about something else, shall we?'

'Fine, talk.' I say and sigh.

I get up and get the twin's baby food from the cupboard, then pick them up and put them in their high chairs.

'How old are they now? They are getting bigger.' He says.

'Two months.' I say.

'Well, they look more and more like the two of you.' He says, with a small smile.

I sigh. 'Yeah, they do....' I say.

'Bet those two will as well you know, Kat.' He says. 'And as amazing and sweet as you guys, if you'll give them a chance.'

"Maybe... I doubt they would. They'd be ruined by their mother." I think.

I wince and hold my head. These headaches are the worst. Sometimes I can't see for a moment or two.

'Yo, Kat. What's wrong?' He asks and takes the spoon from me and helps me sit down.

I moan and rub my head. 'Fine. With all this shit, I've just been getting headaches. It's fine. I'll take some Tylenol like I have been.' I say.

I stand up and steady myself on the table's edge.

'No, Kat. Sit down. It's okay, I can get it. Just, keep calm. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them.' He says.

I nod and close my eyes again. He comes back and gives me a glass of water, and a small pill. I lose my grip on the glass when a sering pain. I can't catch my breath, and for some odd reason my vision goes blurred.

"Oh no.. Please.. Don't let them go this way.. Don't let them go." I think. "God, no... they can't. I won't... Please stop.."

I can only give Jorel a look of utter fear and panic before I lose myself into darkness and my subconscious.

How Could You? - An Everlark AUWhere stories live. Discover now