Chapter 22

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~Few Months Later; May 5th, 2019~

Katniss's P.O.V

Things have been less tense and stressful as of late. Prim's mature outburst a few months ago, that kicked all of us in the pants, got us in the right direction. She is growing up so fast. I turn nineteen in three days. Then she'll be fifteen on the eleventh. That is crazy to me. Ruby will be a year old in only a few months too. Peeta and I are looking for a new start. We aren't sure, but just talking. There has been too much to happen in 12. But, as of right now, nothing is coming up. Which is fine for now. At least until our lives start for real. We both graduate in two weeks. That is crazy to me. I can't believe that I am done with high school. I made it. Through a lot of things actually. A mother, a supporter, a victim, a survivor... And I am still going. And will keep going.

Peeta has multiple scholarships for his culinary skills and also his artistic abilities. I have yet to and most likely won't receive much. I am not as extraordinary as some. Annie has one for her swim skills. Madge for her academic achievements in English. I just plan to do something online. So I can still be a Mom. I can't be leaving. Prim is a sophomore this year. Already taking college classes for her skill of being a doctor. I know for a fact she will get many scholarships. I don't really need to go anywhere or do much. I have my family. They are all I need. A healthy marriage, healthy family, healthy friendships. My life is more than I could've ever asked for.

I forgave myself and my past. I couldn't keep being miserable and trapped. HU made up with Peeta and I. Not fully, but mostly. We are civil and can be around one another more. They are planning my birthday party, Prim's birthday and Peeta and I's graduation party. I am glad that we patched things up. They have been my go to and idols for so long. And not being able to be around them was awful. And now that we are mature and considerate of one another and let go of the past.... I have my band back. My friends and relief.

Peeta is working more at his family's bakery. He has gotten along better. They are liking me better, except his Mother. I doubt she ever will, and everyone includings Peeta, knows that. But I just turn the other cheek and be as hospitable as I can when I am with her. She loves Ruby. Always wants her to come over. But she despises me. And I could honestly care less. I love Peeta. And I am his family too. He is putting most of the money we don't use for bills and all of life, for the potential move we are talking about and the tuition costs for Peeta. We still aren't certain if we will. We don't even have a District we want. Or even the type. But if Peeta takes a scholarship, we will most definitely have to. All the colleges that want him are not in 12. Which is fine with me, to be honest. I know this home was a gift, but this gift is outliving its special value. Being broken into, ransacked by the Snow Mafia... I love it still. And always will. But if the opportunity arises soon, I won't be so sad to leave. Everyone I know is leaving, or has left or doesn't even live here. My Grandparent Abernathy's live in the Capitol. My Dad is in District 2 now. My Grandma Mags is in District 4. HU is still here, but all the way on the farther end of 12. A almost thirty minute drive. And that's saying something, since 12 is the smallest District in Panem. 12 will always have a place in my heart. I was born and raised here. Lived here my whole life. Started a family here. But most of my life was hell here... A new start doesn't seem so bad. Especially with all these changes happening, we may need one.

Peeta and I have also been taking things slow with each other. Taking time to heal. Be more forgiving. And more understanding. We haven't been as intimate with one another. And when we are, we take precautions. I take the pill. And we always use protection. We both know that a baby is not what we need at the moment. Not as our lives are going somewhere. I don't want to ruin the future for Peeta. He wants to get the skills to open his own restaurant or bakery. And I think that would be amazing. But if I am pregnant, I know that he will never get to his dream... and I can't take that away from him. I can't hurt anyone else more than I have in my life. He needs this. So we aren't putting our lives in jeopardy for our physical needs. When we do have more children, we hope for Ruby to have a little brother. But another one of her would be amazing too. She's the most precious little girl I have ever met. More than my own sister, to be honest. She has grown to develop my sass, yet Peeta's kindness. She can call me, "Ma-ma" and Peeta "Da-Da," but not a ton more after that. Mostly gibberish. But still sweet, and lifts my heart that she can at least know who her parents are. She seems to be alright from all that has happened to her family. I just pray she doesn't get nightmares like I have from all of this. I know that is a possibility, but it breaks my heart to even think about. She's too young. Too gentle.. I can't bear to have her hurt the way I have. But Peeta always tells me it will work out and he is by my side. As I am his. Forever, and Always.

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