Chapter 3

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Peeta Mellark's P.O.V.

"Peeta! You need to take your brothers to school so hurry the hell up!" My mother yells from downstairs.

"I know! I'm going! God, quit riding my ass, Mom." I yell back.

"What was that, you brat?!" She yells and I can hear her coming up the stairs.

"Nothing! I'm going, alright! Ryden, Alex, let's go!" I say. "We have to go, you too Zack."

I'm the middle child, but act like the only adult. My older brother Zack, is eighteen. But he's so lost in being a senior and a jock, that he acts twelve. Then there is me, Peeta. I'm sixteen. Then my younger twin brothers, Ryden and Alex are thirteen. I am the only one who acts remotely mature and my age. And sometimes when I do, I get in trouble. My Mom is very verbally and sometimes physically abusive when I act my age. She likes my brothers more than me. And wishes she never had me. Which hurts... a lot. My Dad, on the other hand, tells me he just wants me. Since my brothers are as dumb as a sack of potatoes. I can bake like him. And paint too. So we both have a lot of similarities, while I have nothing in common with my siblings. I grab my backpack and keys then go downstairs. My brothers aren't here.

"Guys, come on! We have to go!" I call up.

"Five more minutes!" The twins say.

"We don't want to be late! Come now, or you're all walking!" I call.

Zack has a license, but prefers to mooch off of me for rides. And doesn't pay me for gas. Luckily, I have a job and can pay for it. The twin's school is about three blocks from our house. And I walked to it everyday when I was in Jr. High. But my Mother says they can't since the neighborhood is getting different, and doesn't trust people. So I am the one with the car, job, and license. And I do everything for them. Mostly to please my mother. If she didn't care, I'd make them walk everyday. But since she does and can pack a good beating, I follow her orders. My annoying band of idiotic brothers comes down the stairs finally. Zack is obviously talking to his girlfriend with all the 'lovey-dovey" talk on his phone. The twins are fighting with each other, as usual.

"Can we go now?" I ask.

"No, duh, Sherlock." Ryden says.

"I call shotgun!" Alex yells and runs for the garage.

"Hey! I wanted it!" Ryden whines and goes after him.

"Oh, Peeta. My girl is picking me up. She's taking me to get coffee." Zack says.

"Great. Do you need a ride home?" I say, annoyed.

"Maybe. I'll text you." He says, then comes and rustles my hair. "Later, Little Bro."

"Later..." I grumble and try to fix my hair.

I go out to the garage and get in my car. The twins are wrestling on the front seat.

"Hey! I just got this out of the shop! Don't break anything. Do you know how much I paid for this? It's a 2019 BMW Series 3. Forty THOUSAND dollars. That's more than you're worth!" I yell.

They quiet down and leave one another alone. Alex gets in the back seat.

"Thank you. Now, let's get you both to school." I say.

'Without dying in an accident.' I think.


B days are my least favorite. I don't have any electives. Just all required classes like Math, Science, English, P.E. And none with my friends. My phone vibrates in fourth period English. I pull it out. It's my group chat with my old friends from school last year. They're lucky, they graduated early or are home-schooled now. I'm still stuck here.

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