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My heart melted at his words. H-he'd actually do How did I ever find an amazing person like him.

After 1 week

Another week gone and no donation. I began to loose hope. What if this really is my last days.

Jungkook POV

Y/n was sound asleep. I was staring at her beautiful figure. I only noticed how pale her skin was...and how her eyes looked droopy....her lips chapped. She is fighting so hard to stay. Suddenly the monitor began to beep really loudly. "Y/n!" The doctor flew open the door. "What's going on?!" Her mom asked. We were all escorted out of the room. "Her monitor began beeping at a very fast rate." I explained.

After 1 hour
Jungkook POV
The doctor came out of the room with a dad expression. "I-I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Kim...the heart isn't stable anymore...she has about 3 days left.....there is no possible way for her to get a donor by then....y-you should spend all your time with her and......say you're goodbyes." My heart broke into a million pieces. she can't leave me. "Please their must be some other way...." I said but the doctor simply explained, "I'm sorry..."

I slowly walked into the room. Y/n was slowly waking up. "Why *cough* is everyone sad?" She asked with her weak voice. "I-I'm not gonna make it aren't I? I knew it." She said. Her dad looked at her said, "Your heart isn't stable....y-you have about 3 days left...." her mom silently cried. She looked at me sadly.

Tears began flowing out of my eyes. "I-I...." I stuttered as I couldn't find words to express the pain of her not being here. "It's ok you don't have to say anything...." she said as he pulled me into a tight hug as I cried on her shoulder.

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