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He looked at me with his half sleepy eyes. His eyes begging me to stay. "O-ok I'll stay." He lightly smiled entering his slumber. He pulled me close. His scent was so calming. I was only going to stay till he fell asleep. His arms were tightly wrapped around me. I literally got bored so I decided to play with his hair. It was so soft and fluffy. Wtf was I doing. I need to text my mom. I slightly reached to the bedside table and pulled out my phone. I texted her telling her where I was and I would be home late.

I didn't even notice I was still playing with his hair when he nuzzled into me. Pulling me closer than we already were. Man...he's actually kinda cute when he sleeps. I was just staring at him when Micha walked into the room. "Omfg Y/nnn" she whisper shouted. "Shhhhhhh." I said shutting her up so she won't wake him. I tried getting out of his grip but he kept pulling me back. "Oh well guess you'll have to stay the night........we'll goodbye." She said waving as she scampered out the room.

I was about to shout her name when I realized he was still sleeping. I stared at him as I entered my slumber.

 I stared at him as I entered my slumber

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Timeskip To morning

I slightly opened my eyes only to realize I wasn't home. I turned to my side and saw Jungkook still fast asleep,with his heavy arm around me. I lightly pushed off his arm. I was about to reach my phone when it suddenly rang. Crap it was my alarm. I saw Jungkook stretching and his eyes slowly opening. "Y/n?" He said yawning and ruffling his hair. "Ummmm what are you doing here. Damn my head hurts." He stated. "I s-spent the night because y-you asked me to, last night, you Umm got drunk." He looked at me in confusion. "I got drunk..huh I never get drunk....guess I only get drunk....

For you.."

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