Chapter 5

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Several questions were on Maiev's mind when she awoke, alone in bed, naked, and of course chained. First: Where did Illidan go? Second: Where the hell had that collar come from in the first place? It was no myth that Black Temple had concubines. Illidan was a male, no doubt he indulged himself. She shouldn't be surprised that he had collars on him. Perhaps he held them within a bag within his pants. She'd never taken them off of him when she chained him up, anyway. Why would she?

Maiev sighed, tugging at the collar and now pondering her situation. She was trapped. But there had to be some way to escape this situation. Weapons, were they anywhere? Neither within her reach nor sight could she discover her glaives. Giving a frustrated groan, she looked about her dark room. Several books were on her nightstand beside her. Excellent. He was taunting her.

The night elven woman leaned back, running her hands through her hair and allowing an exasperated sigh to escape her. This was all wrong. She had her people to protect. They were still rebuilding, still recovering from the War of Thorns. Nevermind that the tragedy had been years ago. Despite the war ending, anyway, dark forces were on the rise. This "peaceful" few years had a funny way of not being all that peaceful. The number of Twilight cultists seemed to be on the rise. No doubt they bred like rabbits, or similar.

Wait a moment... that was it. Her absence would not go unnoticed. The other wardens would take notice today--they had plans in situations like this. Yes, it wouldn't be long now until she was rescued. She grinned triumphantly--and upon hearing the door open, she sighed in relief. "In here. Quickly. You must free me from the demon hun--" that was when he came into view. Illidan. Fuck.

"I see you've awoken, Maiev," the demon hunter mused, making his way to her side of the bed and leaning into her face deviously. "Looking for your friends, I presume? I took care of them," he cackled.

The color drained from the warden's face. "Y-you... did what? They've been slain?!" she snarled, flying into a sheer rage. She lunged at him, pounding his chest with her fists, her ears flat and her voice serious. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" She didn't relent, her ears pinned flat, until she heard Illidan's tone go from amused to more... soothing.

"Shhhh... calm yourself, Maiev. I have not slain anyone. They are knocked out, to awake whenever they come to their senses. Perhaps they will panic upon not finding you. But they are just fine," he replied. He tugged at her chain, using a claw to snap the end of it and bring her closer. He stroked at her hair with his claws, pondering things. "I admire your spirit, Maiev. Perhaps it is something I should have paid attention to before. No matter--regardless, I will no longer be your prey. You will no longer see this place again, not until I am through with you, warden." He stood up, sweeping her into his arms bridal style.

Maiev protested by squirming and snarling, shoving back against Illidan's chest. "Unhand me. We will not be going anywhere, and I am a prisoner to no one. Especially not the likes of you." Perhaps she could delay long enough for the other wardens to awaken. Clearly that would not be the case, however, as she was thrown back onto the bed, leaped upon by the Demon Hunter of whom leaned into her face once more. That damned twisted smile was plastered upon his face, causing her to once more shiver.

"Oh, but you will, Maiev. Now that I know you appreciate my advances, perhaps I should weaken you first," Illidan replied. He quickly shoved her away, moving her so that she was positioned on her side with her back against his chest. His arms encircled her, playing with her breasts and occasionally slipping upward to mess with her collar.

Once more did Maiev's body hum with anticipation. That response was getting very irritating--she needed to remain focused and figure out how to break free. Right now, however, that seemed impossible as his fingers glided over her nipples, stimulating them and causing her to squirm. The tips of his claws glided in circles around them, causing her to eventually give a lustful moan, followed by a curse. "T-this is futile, Illidan. I will break free, eventually, an--" but she wasn't able to finish. Illidan's hand had slipped over her mouth, silencing her as he shook his head.

"Shhh... Maiev, enjoy these newfound feelings. I thought you incapable of ever expressing them, of ever being lustful at all. I have indulged in many succubi before devouring their souls, of course. You, however, are much more exciting. Untame, with a lot of fire within you. An old enemy... one that I never thought would enjoy my gifts," he hummed into her ear. She felt him rub his member against her backside. He was extremely aroused, she could feel his very hard member and almost longed for it to enter her as soon as possible. Her words confirmed this when he removed his hand from her mouth, of course.

" you have to... feel so.. good," she panted, then added, "Fuck... fine, again. I'm going to regret this, I have a task to do... but Elune I want you to take me again..."

Illidan smirked and proceeded to play with her breasts a bit more, squeezing them in his hand. They were so, very soft, pleasant to touch, malleable in his grasp. It'd been too long since he'd enjoyed a feeling like this. He reached down, orienting his member against her entrance and grinning darkly. Giving no warning, he entered her vagina, thrusting in hard and pumping very fast right off the bat. His wings fluttered as he pounded into her, the motions of the demon hunter enhanced by this position.

Basically, he went much deeper this way, impaling her more effectively and quickly. Her breasts bounced lovingly as he ravaged her, merciless and hungry. One of his arms reached up and held onto her left breast, while his right arm brought his hand to her neck. He squeezed hard, causing her to gasp out and grow dizzy. Maiev now only could focus on two things: her breathing, and his strokes.

Fluid poured from her as he continued pounding, his member kneaded roughly by her inner walls. She gave several whimpers and groans, her responses only making him go faster. A cascade of orgasms washed over her, one after another, causing her to buck and squirm. Still, he did not relent, not until he had his fill.

Maiev felt herself going limp, moaning and squealing with a lustful edge as Illidan intensified his assault. Finally did he go so hard that surely she'd have bruises on her thighs when she woke up again. She felt him twitch within her as he released again, his arms and legs caging her, pinning her, preventing any further movement. Well, she couldn't really move anyway... she was worn out thoroughly. Soon after he was finished did Maiev black out.

Illidan, satisfied with his work, withdrew from her, growling with satisfaction and grabbing his pants, quickly getting them on. He didn't have much time--the others would awaken soon. Grabbing all that he could and putting it into his bag, soon enough he lifted Maiev into his arms, bringing her close to his chest and wandering past the limp bodies of a few downed wardens. His ear twitched--their heart rates were going up. They were due to wake up very soon. The time was never more perfect to leave.

Though... he did want to have some fun before he left. He grinned, stomping a hoof upon the ground. Demonic runes formed under the blacked-out wardens, and from them did chains spring out, holding them to the ground. Those runes would last a while, and they would have a hell of a good time trying to break free before they faded.

With that, he wandered outside, crouching a moment before leaping into the air, spreading his wings and taking to the skies. His next destination was his lair, of course. He'd been out while Maiev slept, checking to make sure that all was clear. Satisfied with what he'd found, he intended on keeping his new pet there, secure, and out of his way. What a perfect series of events this was.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now