Chapter 29

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Glinting glaives and glowing eyes set forward stared upon the chains holding this massive void entity. The other factions moved in as well to decimate the cultists maintaining the chains. As the warden and illidari team drew in closer, they could observe the happenings and determine exactly what was going on. Man, it certainly wasn't going to be easy, but nothing ever was, really.

An army of twilight cultists surrounded each chain, hundreds of them pumping power into them by ways of channeling magic. Twisted void dragons flew about, some with two heads, some with two sets of wings, and some with several eyes. The larger ones had rips all over their bodies, but as they came closer into view, Maiev realized that they weren't just holes. Jagged teeth filled each rip to form a gaping maw of which snapped at anything that came close, even other beings of the void. Agonizing screams filled the air along with gurgling noises... and the source was one of horror.

Black void portals were open and used for transporting captured victims from various planets including Azeroth. Most were humanoids, and all were gagged. They were forced to walk forward and lashed upon if they hesitated at all. When a victim arrived at the alter, a knife was drawn and their flesh cut into, a stream of blood sent to the forming void lord. Sometimes their suffering was drawn out, as some were flayed alive or dismembered to draw out the pain. In every scenario, the bits and bodies were thrown into one of the gnashing mouths dotting the monstrosity.

Maiev charged in, tossing over a smoke bomb to obscure all sight and nullify magic. The other wardens and illidari followed close behind her, and the battle was set, flashes of greens, reds, blues, and whites filling the air as in the distance the magic users were facing off against their own cultist army. Specifically for the wardens though, the area shifted to a different kind of dark. Not the darkness of the void, but the eerie feeling of a pitch black forest during a new moon and winter's night. Such a darkness was not all consuming--no, it meant to obscure.

The warden flew out of the shadows, ripping through the arms and legs of the hooded cultists with ease, cutting them down and ripping them apart. They tried to disturb her mind with twisted void magics, but this failed quite miserably as the disciplined night elf blocked them out, ready this time for such antics since the battle in the Vaults. Blood sprayed everywhere, pouring out upon the fighters, staining the ground a deep red and green(the Illidari bled too!).

Unfortunately, soon Maiev found herself surrounded by hundreds of cultists. She lashed out and downed a few but was restrained as everyone else found themselves busy. The leader of this army was a hooded human woman, of whom carefully removed the warden's helm and held a knife up against her throat. She gave a low, taunting chuckle. "Your universe will give into the void. Everything will. Your efforts are admirable but futile. My master will enjoy devouring your flesh," the cultist hissed, cutting through the straps holding her armor together until she was completely bare. Maiev struggled and spit, but her efforts were not enough.

The cultist continued, weaving the knife along her skin and soon enough digging it into Maiev's torso, right under her ribs, to carve out pieces of flesh. The night elf screamed in agony and rage as the human woman continued. "Corrupting Teldrassil was the highlight of my existence, prior to bringing my master here and soon ending your world," she purred, slicing a chunk of skin and muscle off of Maiev's arm now and slipping it into her mouth, consuming it. This cultist woman had a row of sharp teeth, no doubt twisted by the void. In fact, when she removed her hood, Maiev could see many blinking eyes on her forehead and extra gaping mouths on her chin and cheeks. More and more did the knife carve into her, dissolving extra flesh as well due to the void taint.

Something was building inside of Maiev, however. Her eyes glowed brightly, but not the usual moonlight tone. No, they had fire within them, and as the cultists chanted their dark hymns, a rumbling erupted around them. Several milled about in confusion, unsure as to what was going on. Such mystery was revealed as soon as Maiev threw back her head and yelled, "YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED!" An explosion of fiery light swirled around them as if the entire group was consumed in an inferno.

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