Chapter 18

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While Maiev cut through the C'thrax, Illidan fought on the ground with his forces and the other wardens. Many were grounded by the massive output of energy from the screams, however most had righted themselves. The possessed Tol'vir lunged for the weak, their eyes pitch black and their bodies emitting filthy void energies. Their previously sand-colored fur was darkened, and several tentacles writhed out of their flesh. Blood gushed from the wardens as knife-like claws punctured through their plate with every rearing-up and bludgeoning the beastly felines utilized with their paws.

Several wardens fell this way, but this only caused the group as a whole to fight harder. Glaives clashed with claws, and the furious night elves let out animal-like growls as they fought onward. One such battle managed to render a corrupted Tol'vir decapitated, blood pouring out and staining the sand as his lifeless body fell. Another similar battle ended with a tainted enemy without any limbs, his intestines strewn everywhere like some sort of sick confetti.

Illidan's army of Illidari arrived as well, fighting alongside his demons. The Betrayer himself was downing enemies like flies, however not without his own wounds of course. Easily did his glaives cut through flesh like butter, striking through bone with a loud crack! Blood gushed from the mashed skulls and bodies of his enemies, leaving a mess of carnage in his wake. Claws pierced his flesh too, slowing him down only somewhat as beads of green felblood slithered down his rippling muscles. His glowing felfire eyes spotted hidden enemies, which were void-twisted monstrosities trying to ambush various allies on the battlefield.

That wouldn't do--the demon hunter lunged forward, splitting a void creature in half and forcing it to emit a very shrill, tormented cry. Cackling to himself, Illidan stomped his hoof, sending a wave of felfire forward and dissolving everyone in a cone formation that dared stand in front of him. Of course, he made damn sure that his allies weren't in the way first.

Unfortunately, however, the monstrosities kept coming, rising out of the ground every time the C'thrax slammed its foot upon the ground. Which was frequently, of course. Every iteration of the corrupted Tol'vir looked more twisted than the last. Spines forced in to a zigzag formation, legs sprawled out and twisted the wrong way, heads twisted 180 degrees, jaws ripped open and dangling as tentacles crawled out and along their flesh like worms on an infested heart, the void certainly was not merciful.

Meanwhile, a strange noise had started in the distance. Wait... was it music? No way...the battle progressed as the sky blackened with something, what could it be? As it came closer, Illidan realized the culprit--not a foe, but a friend. He grinned and laughed to himself, separating the spine from a corrupted Tol'vir as he nodded toward the cloud of bats coming toward them. Now, the wardens and his forces had aid. Thank gods, because this battle was becoming overwhelming.

Tendrils and orbs made of blood ripped through and exploded around the creatures, almost causing a rain of blood and gore. The San'layn had arrived, and they were eager to rip everything apart. Granted, they left the Illidari, demons, and wardens alone--though things were quite tense at first, since the wardens had no idea they were allies.

"MONSTERS! NEW ONES ON THE BATTLE--what's this?! They are helping?!" shouted one, receiving a wink from the vampyr. Everyone was catching on very quickly, and of course the leader of these new allies was the source of the music.

Strangely, at the sound of his singing, several corrupted Tol'vir froze and turned toward him. Blood Prince Rubius had arrived and raised his hands above his head as if starting a rallying performance. "Back off, I'll take you on! Headstrong to take on anyone...I know that you are wrong!" he sang, an evil grin plastered across his face. Several of the Tol'vir reared up and bellowed, reaching up and ripping their own ears off. Some of them ripped out their eyes, tossing them to the ground and stomping them out . Not every single one had the same reaction, though. Many stood there in a marching fashion, entranced by his voice. "I know that you are wrong, this is not where you belong..."

Those that stood there for too long soon found themselves shuddering. A line of blood began to form across their necks as if an invisible blade was cutting through their flesh as their eyes rolled to the backs of their head. Upon their back was a small void elf rogue, standing there and holding an obsidian knife dripping with their blood. Her eyes jet black, a void elf known as Lilith'yn grinned, showing an array of shark-like teeth, a temporary modification by the void magics. She leaped off, vanishing and causing the same thing to occur from target to target, eventually opening up a void portal in the center of their mass and causing their bodies to literally turn inside-out before being sucked in, sickening cracking noises sounding out in the process.

The combination of bardic and void magic was potent, and certainly beat their creatures at their own game. The San'layn were not the only ones having their bloodlust in battle, however. Illidan was still going at it, laughing like mad and spotting some cultists that were making their way toward him. Pitiful, they actually think they had a chance. He flapped once, sending himself into the air, and focused his eyes, zapping several out of existence by dissolving their flesh with felfire into a pile of ash. The smell of burning flesh quickly joined that of rot and blood.

The cultists were not rushing in for no reason, however--glowing chains of arcane shot out at Illidan, pulling him down and causing him to crash to the ground. A wave of felfire incinerated several, but the chains held strong and were taken by their replacements. The chains wrapped around the demon hunter, burning him severely despite his struggles. He bared his demonic fangs at the attackers, lashing out with his eyebeam, ripping through several but again not breaking free. Others in the battle took no notice--as it raged on, there was no time to pause and contemplate the happenings.

The stubborn Demon Hunter didn't even have time to call out for help, not that he likely would. Granted, with this much at stake, it would have been a good idea--had there not been an arcane muzzle thrown at him, locked in place by magic. The arcane power sapped him, soon enough rendering his struggles useless. Illidan had been an invaluable asset to the battle--him, and his combined forces had eradicated most of the enemy.

Everyone began to regroup as Illidan was dragged off, not noticing at first... especially due to the shuddering and rumbling of the C'thrax. Something was going on within it, and its screams were drowning out any sign of struggle from certain parties...

Song ref: Headstrong

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