Chapter 11

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This was a day for progress. Today, and tomorrow, of course. Perhaps it would be a good idea to bring Maiev along with negotiations with the King. But, for now, Illidan walked alone. The winds of Northrend tried tearing at his flesh, but he paid them no mind. He had an aura of heat that melted away the snow around him, forever burning. The Demon Hunter stomped along, arriving at a cave and flicking an ear. The frown on his face was ever-present--he wasn't much for smiling unless it was a smirk.

From the depths of the cave emerged a tall figure, well-built with muscle and dawning royal robes. He had a mask over half of his face, which hid his mouth--for a reason, of course. For this was Blood Prince Rubius, ambassador of the San'layn, and such formal wear was typical of the royalty of his kind. He gave a kind bow to Illidan, his glowing red eyes fixated on the demon hunter. Every so often he'd run a hand through his blonde hair, of which had one streak of blood red within it. Probably from his enemies.

"Greetings. I welcome you to my abode," hummed the Blood Prince, motioning for Illidan to follow. The two entered a maze, though guided by Rubius, exited rather quickly into a chamber of planning. The San'layn offered Illidan a seat, sitting across from him at a large but simple wooden table. The room had many warm colors--reds and oranges, typical of Blood Elves and San'layn in general. "So glad you could make it, Illidan. Troubling times are indeed upon us. Do take a look," Rubius purred, sliding over a document for the demon hunter to look into.

Silently did Illidan scan the paper, a scowl crossing his face. "I see. The monstrosities are on the rise. You encountered one a mere two days ago. This is progressing much faster than I thought," the demon hunter sighed. His eyes fixated upon the Blood Prince. "Your kingdom will be willing to work with the outside world, Rubius? It seems like quite the step out into the open."

The Blood Prince smiled confidently, raising a brow. "Why yes. My queen has made it clear that someday we will have to emerge from hiding. Right now is a better time than ever. There are aspects of our community that will be greatly frowned upon, though..." he chuckled, licking his lips from underneath his mask. "Which any of your allies will simply have to deal with for the greater good. I am sure you understand that concept."

Illidan grumbled but gave a nod, knowing he was right. He didn't press to figure out what, exactly, would be controversial, because quite frankly he didn't care. From his bags did he remove a contract, placing it in front of the Blood Prince. "Our alliance will secure a new connection between the Alliance and Horde. I will be meeting with the High King in the morrow. He tends to be reasonable. I do hope he will... look past your nature and realize that the risk he will be taking is needed," the demon hunter mused.

Rubius nodded in approval, pulling his mask down finally and flashing his fangs, biting into his wrist and withdrawing a quill from his bags. He dipped the tip of the pen in his own blood, casually signing the contract and sliding it back over to Illidan. "You will continue to retrieve reports of our sightings to your new temple, Illidan. Meanwhile, feel free to request troops of us. We would be more than eager to shed blood on the battlefiend," the blood prince finished.

Slipping the contract into his bag, Illidan tensed, his ears flattening as he sensed something. A writhing black mass was forming behind Rubius, unbeknownst to the San'layn, of course. Tendrils lashed out, suddenly wrapping around the Blood Prince and pulling him to what formed to be a faceless one. "KYTH ag'xig yyg'far IIQAATH ONGG!" it screamed, which roughly translates to: "SEE how we pour from the CURSED EARTH!"

Illidan sprang to action, but suddenly he too was restrained, feeling void tendrils plunge into his flesh and rip open many gashes upon his flesh. Green felblood poured from his wounds as he grit his teeth, slamming a hoof upon the ground and sending a fiery blaze everywhere. Many red carpets and curtains were ignited, which was a necessary sacrifice right this moment. He whirled, reaching behind him and withdrawing his glaive. He lunged for the monstrosity, sinking his weapon in and cleaving off several tendrils. Void energy pumped into his body, painfully ripping away at his thoughts. The Demon Hunter could handle such intrusions, however, and soon bucked, sending the assailant flying into the far wall.

With a single flap of his wings did he land upon his attacker, a faceless one just like the one attacking Rubius. He raised his glaive and plunged it downward, forcing it to shriek as it was slain, spraying black blood everywhere. "Hul bala miz rilakich..." the thing said in its dying breath, which translates to: "How is this... possible..." Illidan panted, cursing under his breath and looking up to check on Rubius.

The Blood Prince was also covered in blood as dark as the void, but he survived the attack as well. He didn't look too thrilled about the ordeal, however, and snarled, "Damned monstrosities, they got past my defenses once again. Very well. I will have to take more aggressive defense measures." He looked about his room, facepalming and shaking his head. "Third time this week. Alas. I thank you, Illidan. As you can see, matters are getting out of hand in these areas. Perhaps it would be good of us to emerge from this place, where attacks are so frequent. We can handle it, however the nuisance is causing an unnecessary hassle. When you return, we will be in the same spot, however upon the ice rather than below it," Rubius added.

Illidan stared around the room, growling, "I have no doubt that you and your kin are capable of handling this, Rubius. However, I will send over my own minions to aid your process as well. This way we can both benefit and grow in power."

Rubius nodded, a kind smile crossing his face. "I cannot decline such an offer, of course. Once more, thank you. I will begin cleaning this mess up. We will keep in touch," the blood prince responded. With that, Illidan turned away, making his way out of the maze easily and sending himself into the air, intent on returning to his abode. He wasn't overly surprised at what happened there--the San'layn made their home in a dangerous area, ripe with void energy. Luckily they were able to handle this themselves and would be able to expedite their armies with his aid.

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