Chapter 22

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Mmm... that feels... mmm... wonderful... Maiev thought to herself. Something felt amazing. There was a stirring in her clit, sending a tingly feeling up and down her legs, then jolting through her abdomen and torso. The sensitive skin on her nipples was being stimulated too, by something strong, wet... ah, licking. Someone was swirling her nipples with their tongue. Her nostrils flared, and the luxurious scent of her mate hit her. Well well.. Illidan was awake, and he was now quite busy.

Maiev arced her back, still quite tired. In her fatigue did she groan out, feeling quite wet already between her legs. Her eyes opened just slightly, making contact with Illidan's. Her entire body blushed of course as she gulped, feeling his index finger pressing against her lips to keep her silent. Or well, imply it. Illidan leaned up and whispered into her ear, "My pet, I appreciate what you have done for me. I would have not lasted much longer in there. I do think you saved my sanity. Thank you. You deserve a reward... you deserve to feel good. Thank you for not abandoning me. Now, it is time for us to both indulge."

Both of them were well rested now, and though Maiev at least would need longer recovery time, sex would do the opposite of harm. The female night elf whined in anticipation, almost salivating. All this action, and no sex, it was about damn time they got to fuck. Illidan wasn't being shy, either. He leaned down, biting into her neck while he worked on her warmth, slipping inside of her with three fingers. He drew them in and out, feeling her inner walls knead at them invitingly. Ah, he'd indulge further in due time. During this, he swirled this thumb along her clit, stimulating her further.

The warden gave into several orgasms, fluid flowing from her more intensely each time. Her eyes rolled back a bit as she did this, and she hummed, "Mmm... Illidan... more, m-more please..." This begging caused the demon hunter to growl quite hungrily, made more savage by the sound of her heartbeat and rapid breathing. Gods, he could feel it on his fingers, she was so tight...

Illidan released her neck from his fangs, moving his clawed hand over to hold her there for him. He positioned his erection at her entrance, removing his fingers to provide more attention to her breasts. The demon hunter teased with just the tip, causing Maiev to whine more desperately. Her eyes flew open and fixed on him. Even while being choked and barely able to focus could she be demanding. She didn't have time for these games! She wanted him now.

Finally, after too long (in Maiev's opinion) did he plunge into her, causing her to cry out in ecstasy. The demon hunter pounded into her, providing no room for rest or mercy. Her inner walls kneaded his member, causing him to groan and growl out for her to hear. Illidan then took this opportunity to nibble at her ear, sending quite a few shivers through the woman's body. As he continued to take her, he moved his lips to hers, gifting her with a very deep kiss. There was no way he was going to resist exploring, either--his tongue worked his way through her mouth, enjoying her taste.

Maiev appreciated the invasion, responding by moaning into his mouth several times as she shook with more orgasms. Her arms wrapped around him as she dug her claws into his back, causing some drops of felblood to glide down his skin. Illidan wasn't going to leave her unscathed either--with his free hand did he slice into her side, drawing her blood and eagerly licking it up when he pulled away from the kiss.

Both were growing tired much faster than normal, which was understandable. Maiev shuddered with a few more orgasms as she felt her muscles weaken. Meanwhile, Illidan felt himself come to his own climax, releasing within her and shuddering from the sheer energy he emitted. He managed to set off one more from her when he twitched within her, contributing to the aftershock.

Collapsing into the bed together, the couple embraced and exchanged yet another luxurious deep kiss. Illidan ran his claws through his mate's hair, helping her to relax as she snuggled into his chest. They laid there for a good five minutes before the demon hunter gently kissed her forehead, rolling out of bed. Softly, he said, "I am going to go prepare some food for us. I believe we both need it. You need rest, my love. Allow me to cook."

Giving an appreciative nod, Maiev buried her head into a pillow, drawing in a deep sigh as Illidan left the room. Those battles had been very hard to handle, and she used a huge amount of her power. From one intense fight to another, she found herself exhausted. At least her and her allies got a lot done, and she felt satisfied with their work.

Soon enough the smell of freshly cooked raptor steak wafted into the room. Maiev sat up eagerly as Illidan wandered back into the room, slipping into bed and putting some plates upon their laps. Both night elves ate their food quite ravenously--they were low on energy and expended so much that this meal was perfect. Together did they lean on one another, with Illidan also providing some delicious fruit drinks.

"Hey," Maiev commented, her cheek resting on his shoulder. "Do not worry about what transpired back there. I know it was not you. I heard whispers saying... similar. I did not believe them either. They said I was weak," she growled.

Illidan had to give a laugh at this. "You, weak, Maiev? You were able to imprison me for all of those years. You fought a giant void creature, then only a mere few hours later did you rush after me with your wardens. I can sense your exhaustion, and yet you still continued onward. You are the most powerful being I've ever met. Rivaling Sargeras--he had raw power. But you? Your willpower and refusal to give up rivals no one. Not even me. No. You will never be weak. I love you," he replied, nuzzling into her.

Feeling a tear of happiness glide down her cheek, she replied with a whisper. "I love you too."

Author's note: Hey! If you like my writing so far, feel free to follow my twitter and support me :)

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