Chapter 19

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Quakes from the monstrosity rendered the 'explorer' within to be a bit... disoriented. Maiev had successfully cut through the beast's shell, shredding flesh with her glaives, digging into its body like a starving parasite looking for blood. Quite accurate, actually, as she was looking for one thing--its heart. Her form flickered as she vanished, weaving in and out of the pustules and dodging the writhing tentacles that tried to rip into her and keep her in place for annihilation. Her eyes glowed from beneath her helm, and she felt spiny growths lash into her legs, attempting to rip into her and succeeding.

Blood gushed down her body but she continued onward, slicing through muscle and organ matter alike. Every so often the C'thrax shuddered, bellowing from the outside and moving its body in apparent pain. There was nothing it could do, however, other than attack those moving about outside. Maiev had made its demise a ticking time bomb, unless it could expel her, which wasn't looking promising.

Digging deeper, shredding more flesh, Maiev found herself rapidly losing her plate armor. Acidic blood loosened the straps holding her armor together, chipping it off and soon exposing her skin to the dangerous environment. Luckily, she was almost there. Elune, guide me... she thought to herself. Her goddess was nowhere to be found, however--this was something she'd need to do herself.

Grunting from the effort and having to endure constant battering from both the chemicals of the beast and the muscular spasms trying to crush her, she finally ripped through to a giant beating heart. It was a sight to behold.

Writing tendrils of purple and black rippled through the cardiac muscle. Giant holes in the flesh spurted out pitch-black liquid with a stench that would make the Undercity blush. Not very efficient, really, but judging by how the liquid fell into another strange organ that shot the sludge up into its esophagus, one could assume that it served multiple purposes. Thundering booms rang out each time the heart pumped, almost sending Maiev flying onto her side. She didn't waver, however, and focused on the dead-center of the organ.

Practically naked, she flung herself off of the edge of a wall of flesh, burying her glaives inside of the heart. As the huge organ contracted and tensed, she had to brace herself against the heart, covering her face with a hand and barely avoiding being bathed in that dangerous liquid. LUB-DUB... LUB-DUB.... She had to hold steady with one hand and plunge her blade in repeatedly with the other, ripping large gashes into the heart and moving on, increasing its instability more and more.

However, the tendrils took notice and began to defend the heart, ripping her away from her spot and slamming her about. The damage was done, granted Maiev was in bad shape. She had holes in her skin from the drops of acid that had dripped upon it, and bruises from being slammed into walls by the tendrils. She groaned, getting whiplash, having to wave her arms and reach down, cutting through the fleshy growths.

In doing so, she was sent falling into the deadly pool of liquid below. No doubt that she'd be dissolved like salt should she hit the chemicals. This was not to be her fate, though--of course not. Her form flickered weakly, and she managed to vanish and appear on the edge of another wall of flesh, digging her glaive in and holding steady as the monstrosity shuddered. Now, she plunged one glaive in after another, climbing the walls of flesh as the C'thrax rumbled and shook. It wouldn't be long now.

The warden had to avoid being tossed around like a kobold in a Magnataur den. She did so successfully, finally reaching the tunnel she created from the initial hole she sliced into the C'thrax's shell. All around her did flesh quiver and vibrate, forcing open boils filled with liquid and spilling out tons of puss. The damage to the heart was too much, however, and soon the monster's heartbeat grew irregular. With a loud BOOM! did it explode, the impact causing Maiev to gasp and be slammed against the wall of flesh, prompting a massive headache. This couldn't slow her down... she had to get out of here, or she was dead.

The C'thrax shuddered and began to fall forward. The inertia was dangerous--but Maiev had reached the entrance of the hole. She finally slipped out as the beast teetered and lost footing, dead before it hit the ground. The impact would surely kill Maiev, but so would the gravity if she fell off. She had a higher rate of survival jumping now, most likely, however. For once, her lack of armor would help her here.

She took a leap, pushing herself off and disengaging away from the C'thrax as it fell. Now, however, she was free falling. The combination of disgusting smells and the dizzying effect caused her to empty her stomach while in air, though the contents of her spew were just stomach acid. The inevitable painful impact was coming in close, however the scree of a loud bird sounded in her ear. Maiev couldn't see. Everything was blurry, and she only felt the impact of something. The soft feeling of feathers accompanied by a hoot in her ear indicated to her that her owl had come to the rescue.

The bird landed, and Maiev slipped off of its back, convulsing in the sand. With the C'thrax down and the battle ended, her wardens were able to surround her and quickly apply healing solutions to her wounds. Completely out of energy though, Maiev dry-heaved a moment before finally taking a deep breath. There wasn't much oxygen inside of a giant void beast, to be honest.

"W-where's... how..." Maiev whispered, interrupted by the shushing of a warden, specifically her close friend Marin. She also was quite battered, but not nearly as much as her leader.

"Shhh... don't speak, Maiev. The battle is over. We have won. But... well. Illidan is nowhere to be found. Someone spotted him being dragged off but was cut off before they could stop it. We do have a cultist captive and can bleed the answers from him. Apparently, he'd participated in the Demon Hunter's capture," she responded.

Maiev sat up in a panic, but was hit with a wave of fatigue and immediately fell right back down. She groaned and whispered, "W-we need to go after them... and get him.."

"We will. You need rest now--even if only for a few hours. Let us interrogate. By the time you come to again, we will have our answers, and we can embark on the journey to rescue him," the warden replied, nodding to the others. They took Maiev into their arms, strapping her down to her owl and flying off.

To the San'layn, Marin turned and gave a wary nod. "...Thank you for your help. But this is not over. Illidan has been taken away. Do you plan on aiding us in getting him back?"

Rubius grinned, displaying some fangs and giving a bow. He was bleeding in various places, and under his arm was the void elf that had been working with him before. The Ren'dorei's eyes darted around as she shuddered, her teeth chattering in anticipation. She seemed entranced by her own magic. Anyway, the Blood Prince nodded. "Merely give me a command on where to wreak havoc, and you have my claws," he replied.

"Good," Marin muttered. She turned to the wardens, Illidari, and demons. "Once we figure out where they have taken him, we will take to the skies and strike our enemies down with a vengeance. Regroup at our camp in Azsuna. That is all."

From there, the forces flew off, intent on resolving this as quickly as possible. One thing was for certain--the captured void ritualist was in for quite the battering.

Author's note: I know it's been heavy with the action and gore lately, and that I mark this story as an erotica. But no worries, more romance scenes will arrive soon, especially after the rescue. :)

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