Chapter 27

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The sun piercing through the temple window indicated that it was now time to start their final task. Maiev sat up to discover that she was alone in bed. For once, Illidan had awoke earlier than her. The woman stretched, hobbling out of bed and looking about. Her new armor was neatly set up upon the rack, to which she quickly grabbed and put on. Clamoring about for a moment, Maiev soon righted herself and was off to the kitchen, where she discovered a plate of enticing eggs set up just for her.

Her lover was sitting at the table and looked up at her when she entered, grinning softly. "Good morning," the demon hunter purred, taking a bite of his breakfast as well. "Are you ready to begin the final seal? I have received word that the situation is not yet as hopeless as we originally thought. The void lord is trying to solidify its grasp upon a nearby planet. Not yet has it done so. The planet has been entirely corrupted but is not prepared...yet. I have gathered up my allies and we will be disembarking. Like Argus, once more do we have to face a threat on another planet. ...Seems to almost be a theme in my case," Illidan finished with a sigh.

Maiev absorbed the information for a moment before finally nodding. "...Please tell me you are not going to open up a rift between Azeroth and this planet like you did last time," she grumbled, fixing him in a serious glare. This, of course, prompted him to chuckle.

"No, my love, I will not be doing that. I have a ship prepared, as you know--the Fel Hammer. It has been made quite a bit bigger and can fit more than just a few small armies. Khadgar will be aboard the ship and maintaining the portal system. We cannot teleport there... but we can teleport back. There is a magical anchor point on Azeroth. I have had my demons map out the stars, and hopping through void portals, courtesy of the Ren'dorei, will make the journey faster," Illidan explained, standing up and walking to the sink, cleaning his dish before putting it away. Strange how he could do the most mundane of tasks while discussing transporting an army across space!

Anyway, Maiev sighed. "...I suppose it is better than how you handled Argus. At least you're using your head before making a rash decision." She sat down and devoured her own meal rather quickly.

Amused, Illidan snorted and turned to wink at her. "Darling, I always use my head. Now. I see that you are ready. Shall we head out, then?" he asked, drumming his claws along the table. The warden stood up in response, motioning for him to hurry up. That did it, then--soon, the pair were off.

It didn't take them long to reach the ship, and when they arrived, they were greeted with many forces. A mixture of heavily armored races belonging to the Alliance were being briefed by their high king. Illidari and wardens were standing with one another, exchanging plans and ideas for exploration (my, how times had changed.) Several Horde soldiers were discussing matters with Warchief Baine Bloodhoof--evidently, even the Horde was here. Mixed with them were the San'layn, of whom had officially joined them. Various other groups from Azeroth intermingled and discussed matters as well, of course. It was about time to put this danger to rest.

Maiev took up her glaive, ignoring others aside from the wardens and Illidari. She gave a nod to Marin and was flanked by Illidan. Clearing her throat, she commented, "I am reminded of Argus again. We succeeded then, we can succeed now. Who's with me?!"

Her wardens cheered, raising their glaives in unison. The ship glided through the Great Beyond as the individual groups discussed their plans, with their leaders meeting to round any sharp edges. The glimmering light of distant stars provided a calming atmosphere, for now. All of these different cultures and races under one roof of a ship could be daunting. But now was not the time for conflict between them. Now was the time to secure safety of their world once again.

While Azeroth was healed from the stabbing of Sargeras after a couple years of really hard work, distant threats would always rise to the challenge. By removing this fiend's ability to form on this planet, they would protect their universe another day.

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