Chapter 6

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Ugh.... where am I? Maiev's eyes fluttered open as she sat up, rubbing her head. She drank maybe once in a very blue moon--so why did it feel like she was having a hangover? She furrowed her brow before memories came flooding back, and she blushed deeply. "Well... shit," she muttered to herself, glancing around and taking the atmosphere in. Bright purple curtains around a deep violet bedspread that she sat on caught her attention, causing her to shake her head. "At least it isn't green," she sighed. A voice to her side caused her to tense up--no, it wasn't Illidan.

A female succubus purred, "Awww, welcome to the waking world, honey. Your master will be back to take care of you soon~" She had two black horns curved upwards, and was entirely bare. Her breasts flopped along a little as she gave a giggle, dancing back and forth a bit. From behind her lashed a dangerously spiked tail, one tinged red, presumably from blood.

Maiev grunted and snapped, "He's not my master." She ran her nails through her hair and sighed, looking down to notice that she herself was also bare, but that honestly was no surprise at this point. She returned a nasty glare to the succubus, scowling in disgust. "What the hell are you doing here, and where the fuck am I?"

"Weeeell~ You're in Illidan's lair, of course. Mmm... he found Nazmir long before he left for Argus. Back when he was scouring the Broken Shore! He didn't see Blood Trolls as a serious concern, so he conveniently failed to bring them up after having cleared out this temple of their filth~ It's where he set up a home for himself, a place to go. His own temple. Black Temple 2! Or was it "The Return of the Black Temple"... Anyway! I've tended to this place in his absence~ me and a few others of his allies. He's been gone for so many years! Ooo, I'm glad he's back, and with something as delicious as you..." the succubus purred, leaning closer.

Slap! Maiev dealt a blow with the back of her hand right to the succubus's cheek. This... really wasn't all that effective, because the demoness just moaned, stumbling back and lashing her tail in delight. Maiev snorted. "Don't touch me. Also, stop speaking like that. Filthy creature. I have work to do. Either be of use and tell me where to obtain my armor and glaives, or stay out of my way."

"Mmm... there's nothing wrong with being filthy... D'aww, are you embarrassed, little night elf?" the demoness tsked, tilting her head innocently and smirking.

Maiev stood up, clenching her fists. She began to move forward, intending on just marching up to the demoness and shouting in her face to get the point across, but she was stopped short by the chatter of chains... great. She was chained to the wall, and that damn collar was around her neck still. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"First. My stature is greater than yours, therefore calling me "little" is incredibly inaccurate. Second. I have work to do. I don't have time to be degraded down into a meaningless object like you," Maiev spat, baring her teeth and flashing her fangs.

The succubus gave a light giggle, once more causing her breasts to bounce a bit. "Object? Oh no no no... have you been repressed your entire life? There's nothing wrong with sex, honey. And 'object'? Tshh... no. The act goes much deeper than that, depending on who you find yourself with~ Little Maiev, chasing Illidan all this time with intent on shutting him away, have you not indulged yourself? Mmm, there's nothing wrong with being submissive, like me..." she purred. From behind her, a shadow... a larger demoness, six arms, flaming hair, oh great... a Shivarra.

"Adarah, darling. Are you talking with Illidan's pet? We have work to do. Work, and then play," a soothing female voice chimed. The shivarra wrapped two of her bottom arms around the succubus, likely due to the fact that she towered over the smaller demoness. She gazed at Maiev curiously, smirking.

"Well well. Adjusting to being like Adarah here, hm? Pleased to meet you. I'm Matron Mother Malevolence. Perhaps you've heard of me from the Slayer. I see Illidan has been busy in his absence in the stars, return to Azeroth, then absence but with you again. None of us knew he was back until he returned yesterday, once, then again but with, curiously, you. How nice of you to care for him when he fell here. Once more, he might be our only hope," Malevolence hummed, reaching down with one of her arms to rub at Adarah's warmth and caused the succubus produce a hungered squeal.

Maiev was having none of this nonsense. "I am nothing like that damned demon. What do you mean, "only hope"? The prophecy was obliterated with Xe'ra. Conveniently by Illidan himself. Explain yourself. Why do you even care?"

"Well...." Malevolence hummed, playing with Adarah's breasts while she spoke and causing the succubus to wrap her tail around her waist and give some guttural, challenging growls, "The void is more active than ever~ Sargeras was merely a drop in the ocean. Poor dear, so blinded by desperation that he resorted to using my kind and similar against everything else. There's no fun in murdering everything. Why, without anything, what would I have to fuck? No no no, the best solution is to ally with mortals. Those that will not give up a fight! Then, for eternity, can I continue my pleasure."

Rolling her eyes, Maiev muttered, "Your sex life aside, how do you know about the void, and why is Illidan of this much importance?"

"Well, he is powerful. Extremely so. He defeated a fallen titan! Alas, he can't prosper alone, of course. No doubt he's forming alliances right this second. N'zoth has risen, and with him, a promise. A void lord has managed to gather enough power to manifest, in all of his glory and an unweakened state, on a planet dangerously near to Azeroth. My agents have discovered this~ but no one will listen to a demoness, not now! Except, of course, Illidan. He will lead forces once more against this force that wants to destroy our entire way of life. Isn't it exciting?! And you, dear, get to pleasure and be pleasured by him!" Malevolence squealed.

Maiev paused, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. Finally, did she reply. "Is all you think about sex?! No matter. I will need to confirm this with other sources once I escape this damned place." She reached up, tugging at her chain and prompting Adarah to comment.

"Mmm~ Mommy Malevolence, can you get one of those for me? Pretty please?" the succubus begged. Malevolence leaned down, locking lips with the other demoness a moment before straightening up.

"If you behave tonight, perhaps~" the shivarra replied.

Maiev groaned and shook her head. "If you're not lying, I have my people to protect, and you and your filth will only get in my way. Leave me be," she snarled, her ears pinned flat now. The shivarra chuckled, giving a wink before sweeping Adarah into her arms and bounding off, presumably to another room for some extended fun.

Rubbing at her forehead, the night elf grumbled, "First Illidan's sheer and utter arrogance getting in my way of imprisoning him. Now his stubborn persistence keeping me here. There must be some way out of here."

A deep voice rang out from the shadows now, and yes, you guessed it, of which belonged to Illidan. "Do you always talk to yourself aloud, Maiev? I find it quite amusing." He emerged from the darkness, grinning down at the suddenly paler night elf. Speak of the devil.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now