Chapter 15

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Maiev arrived at the shores of Azsuna with a light frown on her face. All that had happened just now was bothering her. Never had she much respect for Tryande, but she'd shut her mouth to work and listen to her. She really couldn't hold Sira's death against her--lashing out like that seemed applicable at the time. All in all, she knew that despite her grievances, she'd have to put her anger aside and work with her too. After all, she was Elune's chosen, like it or not. A powerful asset would be terrible to ignore, and Maiev knew damn well that Tyrande wouldn't let her people fall to the void.

Several wardens walked up to their leader, exclaiming in relief.

"Maiev! We thought you were hurt, or worse. The Betrayer has returned..."

"He was in your home, Maiev. We could not act fast enough. We apologize."

"Elune, things happened so quickly..."

The leader of the wardens raised her hand for silence. Her helmet was back on currently--no one would see that collar slip-up again, not while she had it on, thankfully. How embarrassing it was for Tyrande of all elves to see it. Maiev honestly had no idea what she'd have to do to explain herself later. She cleared her throat. "Worry yourselves not, wardens. Illidan is... on our side. Yes, I know it is strange. I have him under my watch."

One of the wardens that had been there the night of Maiev's capture stepped forward, her eyes glowing skeptically beneath the helmet. She muttered in a questioning tone, "Is that so? Will you be returning to your home? Where should we send our owls?"

Hesitating, Maiev let out a sigh. Giving away Illidan's new necropolis might be a bad idea. The wardens could take things the wrong way and storm the place. Would they even listen if she was being honest? She was his pet now. A submissive. What if they looked down upon her for that, or thought that Illidan was the one deciding this, when really Maiev was truly the one in control of the situation? Sure, Illidan had intended on keeping her out of the way. But if she really wanted to be left alone, she would have spoken up and demanded he stop. He asked her, plain and simply, if she wanted to have no further contact... she declined. Of course she enjoyed what he did to her. Therefore, she shook her head.

"...The situation with Illidan is complex. Send your owls to this location," she explained, pulling out a map and pointing to an Alliance camp a decent distance away from her new home. "And I will get your news." I can have Illidan send one of his demons to pick it up or something. Under the guise of it being a warlock, she thought. Immediately, whispers sprang up among the wardens.

Flattening her ears, Maiev let out a sigh. Perhaps one day she would tell them. Now was not the time to give them a hint about her personal life, however. "Enough. I have told you how things will be going, now it is time for orders. I need a section to Deepholm, and another to Twilight Highlands. I will take a group to patrol Silithus and Uldum, as both have reportedly recently been exhibiting high void activity. Anyone here comfortable with the sea can explore Vash'jir. Figure it out." She turned away, removing some ready-made battleplans and shoving them upon the table.

She walked off, wanting to be alone for a moment, shaken by the prospect of having to be dishonest to her own people. A hand fell on her shoulder, causing her to tense. "What do you want, Marin," Maiev grumbled. Marin Bladewing had become one of Maiev's closest friends and fellow solider over the years, especially since she aided the cause in Darkshore alongside her.

"I want to be assured that you are alright, Maiev," Marin stated in a soft tone. "War is upon us once again, yes. But I can tell that there is more on your mind. Is Illidan forcing you to do something? We were all so worried when we woke to find you and him missing."

"That's the thing. No, he has not done anything of the sort. Aside from being the usual stubborn asshole he always is, I am in no danger." She turned to face Marin, her eyes glowing nervously under her helm. "I do not know how you or any of the others would react to the truth. Something has happened between us. The opposite of negative... for us, of course," Maiev explained, her ears drooping.

Her friend snorted, removing her own helm and tucking it under her arm. She smirked, tilting her head. "Is that what this is about? You are all worried about us finding out about some friendship? Listen, Maiev, we figured your lot couldn't hate each other forever," Marin chuckled, raising her eyebrows. "So, out with it then." Other wardens had gathered 'round, looking in on the conversation. The pressure was on.

Letting out an agitated sigh, Maiev growled, "Fine. Illidan and I are more than friends." She crossed her arms and furrowed her brow as Marin and the others burst into laughter, giving one another high-fives. This certainly was not the expected reaction. "I entirely fail to see what is so funny," the night elf snapped.

"Listen, we all knew you two would become a thing eventually. On Broken Shore, it was obvious. You bickered all the time, would never stop talking to one another. We thought it was genuine hatred at first. But then tones and compliments, veiled as they were, every so often lead to different guesses. We heard how you saved Illidan after Tyrande left him there. We were worried when he knocked us out and took you away, naturally. But here you are, without a scratch, and without many angered words toward him. It is obvious, Maiev," Marin explained.

Blinking, Maiev finally took off her helmet, now staring every other warden down with surprise. The can of worms was open now, she might as well spill it everywhere. Eyes fell upon her collar, and dead silence fell... until a cheer came from the background. The sight of a coin flipping from one warden to another could be heard, and Maiev groaned. "You placed bets?!"

Marin laughed, patting her friend on the shoulder. "Loosen up, Maiev. With how you two act, it was going to be one way or the other. I have to say, I'm surprised. You, bending to his will? Wow. But, anyway. I want you to know, we are here for you. We would never shun you for something like this. We are a team, a family. You have helped train us and aided our people in many ways. You finally deserve to be happy for once. Now that you can relax, of course, and not hide things from us, we can move onto more pressing matters. Tomorrow I will meet you in Gagetzan, and we will do a patrol of the desert. I will organize those teams based on your plans. See you then." She promptly turned and addressed the others, laughing joyously before getting back to work. There was curious chitter chatter, but no disdain whatsoever for the new information they had learned.

Maiev was very relieved, to say the least. She exhaled, finding her shoulders slumping a bit. So much tension had built up... perhaps Illidan would give her a massage upon her getting home. With that thought in mind, she called upon her owl and began to head to Illidan's temple in Nazmir.

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