Chapter 20

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Hours passed, and finally Maiev came to. She was laying on a makeshift bed within the wardens' camp. The hustle and bustle was quite erratic, and clearly something was off. She sat up quickly, recalling the events up until she ended up passing out. This caused a wave of dizziness and forced her to turn and empty the contents of her stomach once more. Which was exactly nothing.

From there, she got to her feet, ignoring her weakened state and marching up to Marin. "I am now ready, we must get going. What have you discovered? There is no time to waste," she growled quickly. Her eyes darted around warily as she rolled her shoulders back, and she realized that such an action was too easy. Giving, a groan, she realized that she was practically naked, only wearing tatters that covered her breasts and genitalia. Great. Well, no time to dwell on that nonsense.

"Maiev, you--you're awake already? And on your feet? You might need more rest, I suggest--" she began, only to be cut off by an impatient scoff from the warden leader.

"Silence. There is no time to concern about me. I had a job, I did it, now I have another one. I need spare armor immediately," she replied in a short tone, yelling the second statement so that others would hear and hopefully hurry the hell up. She'd need to be outfitted sooner rather than later if she wanted to move as quickly as possible. "Now, as I asked. What is the situation? Where is my mate?" Strangely, the only thing really in tact was her collar. How appropriate.

Her second-in-command made no comment on the collar matter, of course, just waved to the others to bring over some plate. As Maiev was getting properly outfitted, Marin cleared her throat and explained. "After much work on the cultist, and I'm talking beyond disembowelment, healing, flaying, healing, ripping eyes out, healing, and piercing his flesh with individual thorns burning with painful poison all at once, we finally ripped the answer out of him. He's right under our nose. The Vault... somehow, they managed to breach it, and we must enter once again and face a new number of enemies."

Giving a groan, the warden leader finished up by putting her helm on and letting out a long drawn out sigh. "Of course we do. What the hell else is new? We need to figure out a way to shut that place down forever. Whatever. I am ready, we must move. There is no time to waste." She turns and addresses the armies, pointing to each group and making things short. "There are several secret vault entrances. You will cause ruckus and clean out the trash while I delve into the depths, because surely that is where they are keeping him. A warden can navigate the vault the best. " She walked up to Rubius and his group of San'layn. "You take East Entrance..." Then, to the Illidari and demons. "West." Finally, to her wardens. "And you will follow me through the raven's entrance so that we may bypass much of the obvious hijacked defenses."

With the appropriate orders, the army split up, each going on their own path to purge these invaders. The wardens shimmered, looking similar to the strike of light upon a ripple of water. Out of nowhere did they vanish into the shadows, which would be a surreal sight to behold for any passerby. This process was much easier as the sun finally gave in and dipped entirely below the horizon, bathing this part of the world in darkness.

Soon enough did the wardens enter a hole in the mountain, of which gave way to a twisting passageway that lead into the hallway of one of the prison rooms. Maiev put up a hand, signaling a pause while creeping forward silently, cloaked entirely in shadows. Her head swiveled left, then right, until finally her eyes focused upon a horrifying sight gliding about in the prison.

A void revenant, massive and with many tendrils reaching out and absorbing the residual fel energy left in these prisons was now inhabiting this area. Triggering the alarm upon finding Illidan would surely bring this thing, and anything else in these prisons, upon them. Therefore, they would have to take it out here and now.

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