Chapter 21

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Maiev barely had time to dodge to the side as Illidan rushed at her. Though she hadn't thought that's exactly what he wanted her to do. Illidan managed to grab an edge of her helm and yank it off, tossing it to the side. He opened his wings, flapping up once and twisting his body, flying right at the warden and snatching her up by the neck. To the center of the platform did he bring her, raising his claws threateningly, in attempt to imply disembowelment.

The other wardens jumped to action, lunging forward and sending spinning glaives at him to no avail--he floated over the edge, shouting out, "SHE WILL BE DROPPED AND IMPOSSIBLE TO RESCUE SHOULD YOU CONTINUE, WARDENS!" Then, he cackled, bringing Maiev close to his face and snarling into hers, baring his fangs dangerously and squeezing her throat tighter.

Maiev clawed at his hand, wriggling and writhing, to no avail. She kicked at his chest, did everything she could, but at the moment, he had the upper hand. She stared into his eyes, pleading. She knew it wasn't him doing this, not at all. Silence basked the area as Illidan continued to growl, snapping, "You will not imprison me again, you will not use me, you will not..." he paused, his voice fading. No... none of that made sense. He shared an intimate moment with her several times, and he loved her. These whispers, they were lies, trying to get him to kill her.

They would not succeed. Finally did Illidan fly down, letting go of Maiev when they reached the ground. The demon hunter collapsed, shuddering as the arcane chains continued their assault on his flesh, burning him. Maiev gave no pause--she freed him from the chains, inspecting his wounds and discovering that he was only able to do as he did due to the void empowerment. Now freed from the chains, and therefore the enchantment of his captor, he could no longer support a body sapped with power.

She could hear him moaning, and tilted her head. He was currently face-down on the floor, but when Maiev turned him onto his back, she discovered fiery tears gliding down his cheek. She had...never seen him like this. It took her aback. "Illidan?" She muttered. The other wardens crowded around curiously.

"I am sorry, Maiev. I harmed you, I was... I did not mean to say what I did. Forgive me. You are the only one that ever had any love for me. I cannot lose you. Please... I cannot," he pleaded. Hearing this from Illidan, someone usually so snarky and cocky, made Maiev shudder, almost shedding some tears herself. She leaned down and gently nudged him on the shoulder.

"Fool. I know you were not in control of yourself. Cut that out," she replied softly. Leaning down, she planted a soft kiss upon his lips, feeling him go limp under her as he returned it. Finally, he relaxed, reassured by her, well, forward attitude. Illidan gave into his body now, allowing himself to pass out. Who knew what he'd endured in this hell. Anyway, Maiev took him into her arms, once more tasked with carrying him to safety. Only this time, both of them were battered and both glad to be alive.


After the victory, the wardens returned to their camp to discover the rest of the Vault had been cleaned out. They thanked their rather unusual allies, and discussed further action that could follow this up. The motive of the cultists still needed to be discovered and picked apart, but that could occur later. For now, everyone needed ample rest, Maiev and Illidan especially.

The leader of the wardens wished the other night elves a farewell for now. She whisked Illidan away on her owl, heading back to Nazmir. Carrying the demon hunter in her arms, Maiev soon enough tossed him upon their bed, getting to work with cleaning his wounds and ensuring he would be alright. She discovered that while he had very deep and debilitating wounds, he was recovering quite quickly. Well, he hadn't been lying about his power, that was for sure.

She sighed, tending to her new armor by washing it and polishing it. She'd have to get armor that was less hastily thrown together, and soon enough she'd do so easily. Sending an owl out with her measurements would be no problem. For now, though, she finished up and tended to herself, giving a good wash in the shower. Yes, this place, like many, had indoor plumbing--this wasn't the stone ages.

Soaping herself up, she rubbed between her breasts, causing them to bounce slightly before scrubbing some shampoo into her hair. She had to wash off all of the sweat and blood, of which was staining the water an awful red color. Not to mention the stench from her battle prior to the vaults. Scrubbing between her legs and ensuring that her genitals were fresh and clean for, well, possible future interactions, she also gave attention to her gluteus muscles, so that her butt could be squeaky clean too.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, did she emerge fresh and clean. She dried herself off with a soft towel, sighing as she felt her muscles all relax. Wandering back into the room, she discovered Illidan still peacefully out. Well, that was fine. She slipped into bed next to him, still naked and glad to feel his touch. Hopefully he didn't concern too much about what happened in the vaults, as she meant what she said to reassure him.

Now, Maiev fell asleep, feeling safe and sound cuddled up next to her mate. A hero and badass by her own right, of course.

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