Chapter 16

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zzz...ZZZ...zzz... Maiev had arrived back to Illidan's temple in Nazmir and was fast asleep. Every so often, she twitched, dreaming about battle, as usual. Upon the table in the command room were marked maps that tracked many plans for combating the void threat. Her armor was very neatly put up on a stand; the succubus had shown her where Illidan had put all of her things, and come to find out, everything was transferred rather smoothly here. Not that she had much. Perhaps she would miss her home in Azsuna, but most likely not. She found it much more comfortable here, perhaps because she had a newfound mate.

Meanwhile, the Demon Hunter wandered into the bedroom, spotting Maiev and smirking darkly to himself. "Well well. Entirely helpless there, how convenient," Illidan mused to himself. Though, the ever-present new conflict ripped through his mind.

Previously he had flown off and away from his brother to confront Khadgar, trying to figure out his sudden weakness. Arcane magic... it simply made no sense. He had worked with so much of it prior to his facing-off against Sargeras. He'd been infused with a shit ton of fel energy then, too. So... why now? As it turns out, he'd absorbed even more during the battle, so much that he'd been very close to bursting several times over. However, his body had held, and instead grew exponentially stronger.

The problem is, the opposite of disorder is order... arcane. Most of the time, the two magics could mix, at least for the most part. But a being infused with as much fel as Illidan currently would have to deal with negative effects. Khadgar had compared it to the undead and light. The light burned them, and certainly came close to killing them many times. Granted, any magic used aggressively burned horribly, especially light. However, undead were particularly susceptible to it, just like how Illidan now had to deal with more heavy arcane burns.

Knowing this, he'd just have to grit and bear it when coming across an enemy with it in the future. The portal had caught him by surprise, he'd be more prepared (hah) in the future.

Anyway, he crawled in to bed behind Maiev, pressing his nose against her hair and being ever-careful not to get her with his horns. His hands wrapped around her, pulling her close, as he laid there for just a moment, taking her scent in. She was so peaceful when asleep, aside from the occasional threatening mutter due to her dreams, of course. Quite the contrast to her headstrong attitude when she was awake, of course. She was a badass, which was why he originally had planned on trying to keep her caged up and away from him. He might be saturated as hell with power, but Maiev would have found a way to counter him eventually. She was Maiev. Luckily, such drastic measures didn't have to be taken, and he found himself actually happy. A feeling he'd not felt for... well. Eons.

His hands absently wandered her form, caressing her breasts and causing her to shiver every so often. She was starting to come to, her eyes opening but just slightly. "Mmm... Illidan... you're back..." she yawned. Her body began to blush, responding positively to his touches. "I will be investigating an issue in the deserts tomorrow. If you would like to join me..." She didn't finish of course, because she cut herself off with a yawn. Ok, so she had taken a detour before coming here. Perhaps she'd run into some void abominations on her way back, and perhaps she'd been battling fiercely for hours. So what. Plan discussion was important.

"Shhh... You sound exhausted Maiev. I will join you. We will make the corruption of our planet suffer. Those minions of the void will fall just like the Legion did. For now, this moment in time, my focus is on you. My, you seem quite thrilled to feel my touch," he commented, snickering as he continued to brush along her flesh with his claws, licking his lips slightly.

"Mmm...fine. Behave yourself tomorrow. None of your... usual... Illidan antics.... mm... what do you plan on doing now..." the night elf warden questioned, her chest heaving in anticipation.

"That would be your decision, Maiev. If you are too exhausted, or want to do absolutely nothing with anticipation for tomorrow, I will obey your wishes. I will always do so, my love," the demon hunter purred gently, running his claws through her hair a moment. There was a pause, and finally Maiev closed her eyes once more.

"I am yours, Illidan. Do as you will. I will be perfectly fine tomorrow--in fact, this will provide me even more rest. Battle The latter something that I never thought would be so satisfying. But here we are. I am capable of both. Constantly," the warden replied, digging her nails into her palm, entirely ready for him.

Illidan chuckled, nuzzling into her and replying, "That's my good pet," before reaching down, grabbing her hips and bringing them close to his hardened member. He grinded against her, causing her to moan in anticipation. Already was she quite wet, getting even moreso as he momentarily let go of her hips to play around with her nipples. Her back was against his chest, and he had to reach down and orient himself before slowly penetrating her, sinking his member sensually into her warmth. This positioning allowed him to go a bit deeper and restricted her quite a bit, something that Maiev clearly enjoyed. His arms were like a cage as they encircled her.

Maiev arced her back into him, feeling her walls knead at him and enjoying the twitching his member gave in response. Her body jerked about during this, moaning and groaning spilling from her lips. Their genital regions were slicked with her fluids, causing his pumping to go very smoothly.

Tilting Maiev's head to the side, Illidan leaned down and sank his fangs into her neck, a method of holding her there as he pounded into her. She gasped, releasing once, then twice. Waves of pleasure washed over her as she couldn't help but to tense up entirely, trying to grasp at anything and ending up snatching up bits of the blankets and holding them in her hands. Her body moved along with his as he violated her, enjoying every single moment.

Tonight, Maiev was relaxed entirely. She didn't resist at all, and her muscles weren't as tense. Illidan intensified his movements, and she only went even limper, allowing use of her until both were rolling with pleasure. Illidan released her neck from his jaws, very close to his own release. He paused within her, however as to delay it a bit longer. No, he didn't want it to end quite yet.

The demon hunter whispered into her ear, "My, you are doing such a good job, my dear little pet. So strong, you were able to imprison me for so long... and now, imprisoned by me. I had no idea you were so tight, Maiev..." His mate squirmed in his arms, releasing once more just due to his sultry tone.

Illidan began moving his hips once more, on the edge of his own release. He reached down and began to stimulate her clit with his index finger, careful not to rip sensitive flesh with his claw, of course. He had caused enough bloodshed from her anyway, at the moment. Maiev clenched her thighs and gasped out, releasing again violently right as Illidan went through his own orgasm. Both laid there in bliss for a moment of time, lost in the ecstasy before collapsing together.

"Mmm... that was wonderful..." Maiev whispered, out of breath. She turned her body to face him, pressing her lips to his in a long, drawn out kiss. Illidan agreed, though silently, as currently his breath was being taken away by his mate.

Tomorrow would be busy and brutal. But tonight the pair would be able to rest and be lost in each other together. Either Illidan or Maiev could be slain in this very real conflict--it was a miracle that Illidan survived his encounter with Sargeras. Next time he might not be so lucky. 

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