Chapter 28

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The next morning paved the way for all parties to scout things out. Maiev got dressed, quickly tossing her armor on and sharpening her glaives before being entirely ready to go. She nodded to Illidan, of whom had done the same. Illidan commented, "I imagine this will be quite like Argus. We must remain watchful so that we may finally end this threat." The warden nodded in agreement, and soon enough they were off to meet with the others.

The felhammer glided over the dark, corrupted planet with ease. Those inside peered out to observe many gigantic tendrils writing about from the cracks of the ground. Twisted void monstrosities scoured the land, consuming any non-corrupted matter that happened to touch down upon the planet. In the distance was a gigantic black cloud that seemed to swallow any light. No doubt that was their target--but the air was filled with corrupted void monsters, much too thick to risk flying through. The only solution was to land and trudge forward.

The heroes were teleported down, with Maiev and Illidan leading the pack of Illidari and wardens. Immediately did several monsters close in upon them, looking to be wolves with heads twisted 180 degrees unnaturally or with several eyes and tendrils jutting out of various places on their fur. Some of them had unnaturally long jaws that looked quite creepy when they opened their maws. They jumped at the night elves, dancing around them aggressively and managing to strike out and make several bleed.

Glaives flew everywhere as the wardens and illidari disposed of them quickly, only to be ambushed by several more. The feeling of dread and unease settled in their hearts, but they managed to hack through the void matter, splattering a black blood-like substance in their wake. Said substance dissolved through armor and left some holes in skin, which the party had to quickly mend. "We must be more careful!" shouted out Maiev, her ears flat underneath her helm.

They walked along many twisted paths, observing vibrating trees with writing tendrils for branches. Every so often the trees flung spikes at the night elves, forcing them to roll out of the way to dodge them. Illidan deflected them with his wings, eventually having enough and flying right on over and hacking several trees to bits with his glaives. He returned to the party, grumbling as Maiev gave an amused chuckle.

As they traveled, more and more did they get bombarded with nightmarish animals. Not only did more of those dreaded wolves strike at them, but winged beasts with several toothed beaks all over an orb of void matter launched themselves at them, shrieking horribly. In addition, a cat-shaped creature made only of writhing tendrils and clawed legs shredded several limbs, slowing the party down significantly. Void shades loomed ever closer, slamming their minds with nightmares and causing some wardens and illidari to run off into the shadows, presumably never to be seen again.

Such was life, an occupational hazard. Those that kept their minds in check trudged forward only to face more void-twisted creatures. Though the night elves were able to hack and slash their way through them, they were growing tired. Maiev shouted back to them, "We must keep our heads. Many of us will lose our lives today. But it is for the good of our people."

Eventually, a hushed silence fell over the group. The sky above them hummed and pulsated as many flying monstrosities flew erratically, some crashing into one-another, some consuming one-another, and some being shot down by the Azerothians. The ground was not rocky, it felt more spongy, like they were wandering through a swamp. Which was quite dangerous, too--as in some cases, the group had to pause and quickly pull a trapped warden or demon hunter out to prevent them from being swallowed whole by the ground itself.

Hours of the nightmarish trail passed until they could finally see the large cloud clearly, looming over an extremely monstrous creature that was currently chained up. The gigantic chains pulsated with void energy, clearly pumping power into the thing. It was a dormant void lord, for now, not yet awake yet. Many eyes opened and closed on its surface, gigantic, bloodshot. Tendrils writhed about, filled with fangs and thorns, all along its body. Sometimes the eyes shuddered and morphed into giant, gaping maws, opening and closing teethed mouths looking for anything and everything to consume. Every so often did the monstrosity shudder and jolt. There was not much time indeed.

"We must increase our pace. I have received word that our allies have been successful as well and will arrive shortly after us," Illidan shouted. "Steel yourselves. This battle will be unlike any you have faced before."

Right then, gigantic tendrils burst through the ground, grabbing at a few wardens and demon hunters and ripping them in half. Innards spilled out everywhere, raining down on the party, much to their horror, of course. Glaives lashed out and decimated the attackers, but not before a few more casualties. "DAMN IT!" screamed Maiev, leaning down to examine those that had fallen. She clenched her fist, kneeling over the fallen and refraining from shedding tears. "Ana'duna thera. These fuckers will pay."

Illidan put a hand on her shoulder and nodded, ushering her and the others on. So, on did they go, shredding more void creatures in their journey until they finally reached a hill overlooking the giant coalescing void lore. The other factions and groups arrived a few minutes later, looking just as battered and bloody. The demon hunter and warden turned to address them.

"We must cut off all connection that fiend has to the power of this planet. It is drawing power from the corruption and consuming it," Illidan shouted to the Azerothian troops. "By cutting down the chains and any cultists that might be helping feed it, we save our world for another day. Today, we are prepared. We will suffer much loss. But it is necessary for the greater good!" finished.

A resounding cheer rang out, and Maiev stepped forward to give her final thoughts as well. "Many of us will not make it out alive. Our sacrifice will not be in vain. We fight for our world today. GIVE NO MERCY!" She then turned to Illidan and cups his face, giving a nod. "Thank you for everything, Dalah'surfal. I will see you on the other side, dead or alive."

With that...the groups split off and charged, each one determined to sever the chains and save their world.

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