Chapter 7

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Maiev had to ignore the deep blush that returned to her face. This was all so frustrating. Anyway, she held a steady glare on Illidan and snapped, "You cannot keep me here forever. I have work to do. And if your disgusting demons have any credibility, our people are in danger. If you actually care, that is." This prompted a chuckle from Illidan, who strided on over and sat on the bed next to Maiev, pulling her close and nuzzling into her neck.

"Hush now, Maiev. I know what is at stake. I have already began my preparations. I am setting up my alliances. You need rest. I have discovered a lot in my absence. You were almost slain many times in the great war... you cooly aided the now-Warchief Baine's rebellion after breaking him out of prison...You faced Sira head-on, ending her before she could do any more harm to her own spoke up against the stalemate with the Horde, only to be shot down by the King of the Alliance...indeed, hatred runs deep within you still. I hope you realize that these petty squabbles will get all of us wiped out. The true threat is the damned void. We eliminated one of its major enemies--by working together against the Legion. Now we stand alone to face it ourselves. We are not prepared...yet," the demon hunter mused, taking in her scent with a soft sigh.

He continued. "The Night Elven empire was not built in a day. We must keep our minds open to every aspect--should I not have taken the paths I did, we would all be slain by those wretched demons and Sargeras as their master. My actions were for my people that turned their backs upon me. Given the chance to take my actions back, I would decline. This, I would do all again. Initially, for Tyrande's sake. How I was blinded by that false 'love'. Just so. Best not to dwell upon it. You close your mind to much, Maiev. Times have changed, and so will you. Perhaps this is the first step toward a greater good. I have heard of your expeditions against the rising void threat. I sense your exhaustion. Therefore, my decision benefits us both. You rest here for a few days, while I proceed with... negotiations. Your purpose, my pet, as we see fit. I know you enjoy my gifts, Maiev. I will communicate to you every step soon. For now, your attention can shift elsewhere," Illidan finished, his hand slipping over her breast and fondling it.

Maiev leaned against the Demon Hunter, distracted by his tone, his scent, his movements. This never happened before, but it was now. Had there been repressed feelings that he'd somehow ripped free? Maybe. But... he was telling her to open her mind. Did this imply that he was doing further work with other abominations, possibly worse? What the hell was he planning?

She clenched her fist. "I don't trust you," she snapped. Her body language told otherwise, however, as she found herself slowly relaxing. Fuck.

Illidan's signature smirk returned, plastered across his face. "Well, Maiev, I am not asking you to trust me. I am merely telling you where your place will be, and your fate for the next few days. Should you decline any interaction with me, I will leave you alone. However, you will not be set free, for I have work to do. Only when I am sure that you will work with me, and not against me, will I take you along. Which...will happen. One way or another," he said confidently. He then finished speaking with a question. "Would you like for me to refrain from being near you, from this point forward? No intimacy?"

Maiev wanted to sock him in the jaw for his arrogance. But, really, what could she do? She was collared and chained here. How could she answer his question? Her answer was obvious. No. She would not like for him to leave her alone. She dragged her hand across her face, her ears flicking. Illidan leaned away from her now, awaiting her answer with his head tilted slightly and his eyebrows raised. Finally, she shook her head and sighed. "...No. I would not."

Delight crossed the demon hunter's face, and immediately he pulled her into his lap. "For but a moment, I found myself worried. I am glad you do not, Maiev. I enjoy you just as much as you enjoy me," he whispered into her ear after leaning down. Then, he proceeded to tilt his head and give her a deep kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth and exploring once more. One hand played with her breast, while the other slipped down and teased at her waist. Maiev responded by closing her eyes and shuddering, going limp in his arms and just letting him do as he pleased.

Right now, Illidan wasn't going to do anything over the top. He merely continued exploring her body, roughly fondling her breast and discovering her clit with his other fingers. He rubbed delicately, slowly at first but soon with increasing speed. Soon enough, she shuddered, the beginning of a satisfying orgasm climbing upon her. At that, Illidan slipped a finger into her warmth, teasing at her flesh and moving it in and out. Maiev moaned in his mouth, causing a snarl to emit from the pit of his chest. He enjoyed her sounds possibly too much.

One finger wasn't enough; no, he soon had three fingers moving rapidly in and out, his chest heaving with satisfaction as he felt her inner walls dancing around them. The squeezing on his fingers intensified, and gods, she was so tight. Soon she clenched entirely, fluid spilling out as an orgasm ripped through her. Illidan wanted more, however, so his actions did not halt. He pinched at her nipple, causing her to jump at the same time that he intensified his rapid finger movements.

Cumming once more, then twice, Maiev went limp, whimpers escaping her lips as her chest heaved. Satisfied, for now, Illidan pulled out his fingers and leaned away from her. He brought them to his lips, delicately licking them clean and grinning darkly. "My, Maiev, it appears every aspect of you tastes delicious. I will have to take advantage of that at a future date. For now..." He then laid back in the bed, pulling her onto his chest and nuzzling into her hair. Maiev panted, feeling herself drift comfortably.

He was right. She'd been overworking herself lately. This time of "peace", in reality, had been far from peaceful. Prior to finding him, she'd been working for 30 hours straight, fighting, scouting, reporting, ordering. Her body couldn't handle all of this, and the pleasure was an extreme relief from it all. Illidan was right about one thing. She couldn't solve every single issue at once, and probably couldn't do it alone. Much as she hated to admit that her and her wardens would need aid with this void threat, of course.

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