Chapter 9

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The idea of working with the undead was very alarming to Maiev, that was for damn sure. What was Illidan planning? The outcome of him becoming a Demon Hunter, however, and working with demons in general that went against the Legion ended up benefiting the world. However, many sacrifices had to be made, and many innocent lives were lost. The same outcome could occur by working with the undead. She finally spoke up in question. "Illidan. You're dead set on working with those fiends. Fine. Will you, however, be working with the Alliance as well?" This was important. She purposefully left out mentioning Tyrande, however, for obvious reasons.

Illidan paused, remaining silent for just a moment. "Perhaps. Should they be willing to work with me. The boy king is generally accepting. Perhaps he will see reason," the demon hunter grumbled. "I briefly communicated with him on my final days here, before I I thought... forever."

"The boy king is a fool. Much too trusting. Much too peaceful. But... perhaps a necessary evil for the better of our world. Tch. The use of magic... working with lesser races. It has to come to this," Maiev snarled bitterly. She tensed as Illidan caught her by the chin, turning her head to face him and look into his glowing eyes. Such eyes had been ripped out, yes, but he could still see. Such was the benefit of magic.

"Maiev. I made sacrifices for my people, for... Tyrande, back then. They turned their backs upon me. I was forever branded "The Betrayer" for my efforts. I do not hold that against them. How could they ever comprehend the strategy I chose. It was a risk I was willing to take. Opening my mind to the outside world... forces beyond Azeroth...was required. You seem to be stuck in the past. Why such hatred for other races? Why such hatred for magic? Are you blinded by the old ways, Maiev? You are so stuck in the past. You do not accept responsibility for your actions--much as how I do not for mine. I am fully aware of the atrocities I committed for the greater good. There is no former glory of our people, Maiev. You need to get that through your head. No "lesser races". We inhabit Azeroth. And we must cooperate and respect one another, when possible. Otherwise, we would have been destroyed by the Burning Legion. And, currently... will be by the void, if certain individuals do not change their way of thinking," Illidan explained, his gaze dead serious.

Maiev scowled at him and started, "The old ways made us glorious. Our kingdom was unmatched, we could take on anything. We were safe without all of these interactions and magics tainting us."

"Which is false, Maiev. And you know it. Isolation cannot win, not in the long run. Allies, strategy, planning, intermingling. That is the only way we can advance. The only way our people will survive in the future," he growled. He placed his forehead against hers, adding, "You accepted a monstrosity such as me. Either new or repressed feelings. We have enjoyed ourselves. It is now time to open your eyes up to the rest of the world."

Sighing, the warden closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She wasn't going to discount his words. She didn't want for him to be right. This hatred for the current ways, this need to return to a simpler, safer time... perhaps the desire wasn't because she thought her kingdom better. Perhaps it was because she was so very tired of seeing innocent night elves butchered because of the lack of control upon the outside world. "I will consider your words, Illidan," she finally said.

Illidan pulled her into a hug, giving yet another chuckle. "Excellent. For once, perhaps you will listen to me. My, this is a breakthrough," he jabbed.

The warden grumbled and playfully shoved him, her eyes narrowed. "I listen when you say something of value, Illidan, which is not often," she replied. Illidan of course hadn't budged from the shove. He tsked, pushing Maiev back down effortlessly and tilting his head, leaning into her face.

"Is that so, Maiev? Perhaps my actions mean more..." he growled dangerously, allowing his tongue to flick out and drag along her neck. His body was on top of her, pressing her into the bed, reminding her of his strength. That shy blush once more returned to Maiev's face, and she shuddered in anticipation.

"Mm... of what sort..." the warden whispered breathlessly. She knew what was about to occur, and she very much looked forward to it. In fact, she craved it. Having not done this in hundreds of years, intimacy opened up something deep within her that she had no idea was asleep.

"Ah, you know very well what I do to get my point across when I need to. Granted, my recent actions are new, and you seem to enjoy them just as much as me," Illidan responded. Now, he traced his nose down, dragging along her collarbone until he reached her breasts. His tongue lashed out, tasting her nipple and causing her back to arc. The demon hunter's wings loosely formed a cage around them, blocking the view of anything else. For Maiev, her entire world currently therefore was Illidan.

She blushed harder, arcing her back into him as he continued to play, using his tongue to stimulate her left nipple and one of his claws for her right. Illidan felt himself growing hard, grunting and knowing that he'd penetrate her soon enough. He used his free hand to reach down and feel between the night elf's legs, delighted at how much fluid she was producing. "So wet and ready for me, Maiev," Illidan purred, removing his mouth from her nipple and moving up, pressing his lips against hers and exploring happily. Maiev closed her eyes, letting the kiss whisk her breath away.

The demon hunter positioned himself properly between her legs, teasing her entrance with the tip of his member. Maiev whimpered into the kiss, waiting in anticipation. Illidan, however, continued to tease, rubbing but not penetrating, not yet. He pulled away from the kiss and stared down at her, flicking an ear. He remained silent, seemingly waiting for something. The warden licked her lips, her eyes softening into a pleading look. Her lips mouthed a word. 'Please.'

At that signal, Illidan cackled and slammed his hips into her, impaling her with his member and causing her to shudder and cry out with ecstasy. He wasted no time in pumping, his movements tantalizing and merciless. He grew drunk on the blissful cries of the woman before him, having to pause every so often as to not get excited and release before he wanted to. No, this was to be drawn out.

The night elf's inner walls kneaded his member, squeezing and massaging the sensitive flesh. Repeated orgasms washed over Maiev as Illidan hit that perfect sweet spot within her, somehow managing to go deeper with every thrust. Deeper, harder, faster. The power of the demon hunter was unmatched by anything that the warden had ever experienced. And she loved it.

Claws pierced into flesh as blood welled up from the wounds. Illidan leaned down, licking up his work, savoring every taste of her as he continued to drive himself deep inside. More fluid poured out of Maiev as she began to pant, though... Illidan took notice of this. He grinned deviously, his hand quickly lunging for her neck and squeezing tightly. Maiev choked out, gasping and prevented from focusing even further. She grew dizzy, the smell of fear rising in the air, of course which invigorated both of them.

Finally did she go limp, her muscles relaxing, submitting before him. Her head turned to the slide slightly, and as Illidan let go, she revealed her neck to him as a final confirmation. "Mmm... m-master..." she whispered, not even realizing that the words were escaping her lips. Illidan licked his own lips, of course, leaning down and biting deeply into her neck, holding her there with his jaws while he finished, letting the kneading of his member by her walls finally set him over. He shuddered with his own orgasm, cumming within her and collapsing on top of her for but a moment.

The two laid there in a bliss, the afterglow practically blinding. After a pause did Illidan lift his head and provide Maiev one more deep kiss before rolling off of her and pulling her to his chest, facing her on his side. His claws delicately glided through her hair, calming her as she began to regain her energy again.

"Well, Maiev. What did those actions tell you?" asked the Demon Hunter.

"Mmm... that I should... perhaps listen to you... more..." yawned Maiev in response.

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