Chapter 12

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Returning home to his new temple, Illidan landed on a balcony, grumbling about the day's events. The sun was sinking into the mountains, bathing the horizon in a golden light. He stared out at it for a moment, enjoying the warmth caressing his face and rubbing at some of his wounds. He'd be fine. He always was.

Illidan sensed the approach of his pet with no reaction whatsoever. Merely, when Maiev came up behind him, he mused, "So Adarah felt it appropriate to release you from your chains. Well well. You must have been a very good little pet, now weren't you?" He felt hands on his back, massaging his wounds. Maiev let out a sigh and grunted.

"We played several games of chess. These wounds are deep. What of them? Did those wretched San'layn attack you?" she asked, wondering if she had been right all along. Given the taunting chuckle the demon hunter emitted, however, she knew she was far from the truth.

"Maiev, my sweet. Quite the opposite. The San'layn are in a precarious situation--underground, exposed to the void. As such, the dark monstrosities attack frequently. I happened to be involved in one such attack, but together the blood price and I fended it off. The San'layn are relocating due to the inconvenience. The alliance was, unsurprisingly, a success. Now. Tomorrow, I would like to ask you to join me in meeting the King," the demon hunter stated, now turning to face her. She was clothed in merely a nightgown, likely because she couldn't find her damn armor. This caused Illidan to lick his lips as the sockets of his burned out eyes stared down at her.

The warden blushed slightly, thinking a moment before sighing and giving a nod. "If I have full access to my armor, Illidan. Where is all of my items? I also require the ability to meet with the other wardens and discuss the situation," she replied, putting her hands on her hips defiantly.

Illidan chuckled, sweeping her into his arms and nuzzling into her chest, causing her to squeal. "But of course, my pet. Quite the reasonable request--if you are with me, and not against me," he replied, turning toward the sunset once more and smirking.

Maiev grumbled in reply, "At this point, you have shown me that I perhaps need to keep a more open mind. I'm with you, Illidan. But I will have to address the other wardens alone. They will need some convincing, and your presence will not help. I will go after we meet with Anduin." Illidan paused, thinking things through before nodding best he could with his chin resting between her breasts--he was holding her bridal style.

"I trust you, Maiev," he said confidently. "You are intelligent. Headstrong and unwavering, yes, but intelligent." The demon hunter's wings fluttered a bit as a soft wind blew by. The swamp of Nazmir was daunting at first, for most. He took a liking to it right away, however, as its seclusion from the outside world reminded him of his own temple, far away in the Outlands. He'd never return there again. Here, however, he was confident that perhaps this could remain his home.

The warden softened, relaxing further at his reply. She felt warm and happy within his arms, and cast her gaze at the sunset as well. "I often wonder if ever there will be a time when the worries are minimal, and our world is safe. There seems to be one war after another. Battle fuels me, but at times I just want to rest," she admitted, reaching up to play with Illidan's ear absent mindedly.

"Ah, Maiev. Never will there be a world devoid of conflict. We defeat one, and another arises. That is the nature of being alive. However, we have moments like this where we can stop a moment and appreciate the beauty of our world, and be thankful that it has not yet fallen like Outland or Argus. We can find comfort in the fact that regardless, we will put in everything to keep it this way," Illidan responded. He turned, walking back into the temple and making his way to the bedroom, gently placing Maiev onto the bed and letting out a soft sigh.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now