Chapter 25

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The approach of Stormwind was a common sight at this point by Illidan and Maiev. They landed, gaining clearance to walk right into the Keep and approach the High King. Anduin took one look at the ash-covered couple and blinked, gasping. "Are you both alright? You look exhausted and shocked," he commented, a deep frown plastered across his face.

Illidan stepped forward, flicking his ear. "I appreciate you for stating the obvious, High King. We encountered an old enemy of yours. Sylvanas. She has evidently been patrolling the remains of the tree and keeping tainted remnants of the fallen in check. The entire area is corrupted by the void. Perhaps it is calling to the survivors of Teldrassil of whom also could have residue corruption. I suggest you figure out a way to clean those survivors, otherwise their minds will be lost forever," he explained, his tone dramatic as usual.

Anduin ignored the demon hunter's sass, merely knitting his eyebrows and letting out a soft sigh. "This is troubling news indeed. I will see to it that Tyrande is informed, and a cleansing ritual is undertaken. Do we need to send more to that area and perhaps be rid of the issue for good? We are stretched quite thin, though..." he muttered partially to himself.

Maiev shook her head, clearing her throat loudly. "We have no need, sir. As much as I would love to skin Sylvanas and reduce her to ash, we discovered that area is the least of our concern. On our way, one of my wardens informed me that the corruption will slowly fade into nothing. The active and spreading areas should be our primary targets. Hopefully the spirits of Teldrassil will eventually rip the Banshee Queen to shreds, and she falls there as she deserves," the warden replied. She approached the map upon the table, tracing her finger to a marked spot.

"There. Val'sharah. Reports have indicated that issues have been springing up there. Tomorrow, we will ensure it remains stable," the leader of the wardens finished. "My suggestion is to send troops to Nordrassil to ensure its stability, High King. The great trees seem to be targets of the void lately. If you find the time, anyway," she added. She stepped away to await his answer.

The High King pondered for a moment before slowly nodding. "Yes, that does make sense. Thank you, Maiev. If you would, send me a report on Val'sharah when you complete your mission," he finished.

"We will. Anything to add, Illidan?" Maiev asked, turning toward her mate. The demon hunter shook his head.

"Time is of the essence, and I grow bored of this pointless meandering. Come. Let us return home and first thing in the morning, we will disembark toward the Dreamgrove," Illidan growled, turning to stomp out of the Keep. Maiev rolled her eyes from under her helm and sighed.

"Well. He has not changed at all. I will send you said report, I wish you well, your majesty," Maiev grumbled. She met Illidan outside, elbowing him roughly before suddenly being taken into his arms. She squealed in surprise at this action. "What exactly are you doing?!"

"You clearly are crestfallen from seeing the remains of the tree, Maiev. We need clear minds tomorrow. Not that you cannot function under any stress, however, I would rather not see you in torment that you do not enjoy. Therefore, I am going to give you a special ride," Illidan chuckled, plucking her helmet off and shoving it into her bag. From there, he wrapped his arms around her torso and flapped once, taking off into the sky. Dangerously did he toss her up into the air, only to fly directly under her, forcing her to land upon his back. The warden cried out in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into the back of it.

The sun was setting in the distance as Illidan flew through the sky, a pleasant wind hitting the two of them. Maiev finally relaxed, taking in the view as the two flew along in silence for now. The world was painted in bright oranges, reds, and yellows, illuminating the trees in a wonderful fashion. The sound of Illidan's wings flapping was surprisingly relaxing. Maiev rested her head against Illidan's back, watching the scenery go by with a sigh. Truthfully, this was indeed helping her. A soft smile grew on her face.

"You could tell I was that upset, hm? Well. Teldrassil took a lot out of those that experienced it. You were a few years too late, dealing with your own demons of course, "Maiev mused, watching as a few birds with a pattern of colorful feathers glided on by.

"I could, yes. You are not exactly subtle, my pet. I plan on aiding you to relax even further when we get home. Always so full of hatred and anger... much like me. Well. We both can be a bit happier now. No doubt we will be facing more horrors in the morning. Tonight, we shall revel in each other again," he purred, showing off his fangs as a devilish grin spread across his face.

Maiev of course couldn't help but blush in anticipation. He was right--the stress was getting to her. She licked her lips, imagining all of the delicious things he could do to her. Now that she had recovered well, he did not need to be as gentle. She absent-mindedly reached up and played with the collar around her neck, reminding herself of the place she had in their dynamic. So much power outside of the bedroom. A leader and badass in her own right. Yet willingly giving into him in bed, something that brought upon great ecstasy.

Illidan's glorious temple in Nazmir was fast approaching, and with it, growing anticipation for what he was going to do to her tonight. The despair of today was put behind her, for now, as she felt her sensitive areas almost buzzing for release. Illidan landed at the balcony, allowing her to slide off. Maiev wanted to provide a challenge--she rushed right on by him, dodging his grab, and hissing, "You will have to put the work in to take me, my dear."

Delighted with the challenge, Illidan grinned. "Mmm... well well. Challenge accepted, then. To have you writhing beneath me will be a fitting prize." And thus, the chase began.

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