Chapter 10

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Caressing her breast, dragging a hand down to do the same for her bottom, Illidan sighed into his newfound lover, satisfied with the recent series of events. He flicked his ear, deep in thought, however, as the afterglow finally began to fade. He would soon have to approach the king of Stormwind--no doubt working with the undead would not suffice alone. He would need the cooperation of most factions. Would his deeds be able to carry enough weight for negotiations? He mulled this over in his mind while he stroked along the flesh of the warden. His mouth twisted into a smirk. Well... once Maiev was agreeable, he could count on the wardens joining them. If, of course, they were willing to tolerate him.

He looked up at the entry of shivarra Malevolence, bounding up to him and giving a wink. "Oops, forgot to knock. I heard nothing for a few minutes, so decided it was safe to enter. Before you ask, yes, I did listen in on you both fucking. That shouldn't come as any surprise dear. Now then, here, this is for you." She held out a letter, giving a wave with the left half of her three arms and rushing on out to do some more work.

Illidan scowled, shaking his head, but opened the letter, scanning over it.


We are willing to continue negotiations. We have news to report of strange happenings in our domain. Monstrosities of the void have crawled out of hiding. They do not alter our minds, but that does not stop them from trying to overwhelm us. Perhaps now is the time to emerge from our Kindgom and wreak havoc upon these enemies. We might be accepted by the Horde, but we remain secluded for a reason. Should the armies of the world band together against this threat, you have our council as well. After all... the living find themselves weak to the whispers of the void. Their only hope, in many ways, might be our clawing and hunting for information. Do meet me in the usual spot tomorrow, if you can.

--Blood Prince Rubius

How excellent. His new allies knew that the stakes were very high. He nodded in approval, setting the letter aside and pausing. Gently leaning down to whisper to Maiev, Illidan hummed, "My pet, I will return in but a moment. I have work to do." He pulled the blankets over the resting night elf, not expecting a response and not getting one.

Illidan made his way to a command room, sitting down in a throne-like chair and grabbing some parchment. He stared at the blank paper a moment before finally grabbing a quill and writing.

High King--

The time is now to act against the void. The threat of the Burning Legion has been officially ended by a final strike to Sargaras. I have returned to our world. It is our responsibility to work together once more. Put aside your anger from previous wars. Otherwise, all is lost. I expect to meet with you and discuss this matter soon.

--Illidan Stormrage

With that, the demon hunter sealed his letter in an envelope and stood up. He wandered over to the demoness's room, flicking an ear and shaking his head upon hearing the sounds of ecstasy and sex spill from their room. Well. He would find someone else to be of use to him.

The demon hunter put two fingers together and gave a whistle. A raven flew down from the shadows of the room, landing upon his shoulder and starting to preen. "See to it that this gets to the High King," Illidan demanded, holding the letter up to its beak. A raven would be less daunting as a delivery service than a shivarra or succubus, anyway. The raven snatched it up and took to the window, exiting and flying off to its destination. It would take two days, perhaps, since it was enhanced heavily with magic. That was more than enough time to negotiate with his new allies in the morning.

He returned to the bedroom to find Maiev still laying there, awake but not really paying much attention to her surroundings. Softly, he said, "Maiev, my pet, I have returned." He slipped into bed behind her, pulling her close and nuzzling into the back of her neck. "I expect you to rest tomorrow. I have business to attend to, and when I return, I would enjoy speaking more with you about various matters. Continue to consider what I told you before. Our world needs us to cooperate."

Maiev paused and stretched, letting out a slight sigh. "Fine. I will think about your words. Where are you going?" She asked, unable to not feel curious, of course.

"I am going to discuss negotiations. It should not take me very long. I will be back before you realize," he replied, his nostrils flaring to take in more of her scent. Tomorrow was going to be interesting. Sealing the deal with more allies and then discussing even more was to be obnoxious, to say the least. Many would never trust him again, regardless of how many lives he'd saved, because of those that he took. Just so. He did not do as he did for the approval of anyone. That very notion always caused a smirk to cross his face. Those fools did not understand how much sacrifice would be needed to secure the world from these threats. No matter. Him, and those like him, got things done and took the roads much harder to travel. Those not with him were always against him--and he was ready for any drawback that might slam into him.

That didn't matter right this moment, though. He let those thoughts fade as he cuddled up against Maiev, soon enough striking small talk and discovering her thoughts, feelings, and fears. He enjoyed listening to her voice, he decided. Perhaps that's why he used so many snide remarks to rile her up.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now