Chapter 14

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A scowl was plastered on the priestess's face--Tyrande was the opposite of thrilled to see Illidan here, but hey, the feeling was mutual. Illidan was tense, perhaps even nervous. His entire goddamn life, practically, he was chasing her. Trying to win her favor. Now, he felt nothing. He was elated. But this realization of course was so new that he was stumped, though he refused to show it. Really, he didn't have to do a damn thing though.

For Maiev reached up and removed her helmet as to better stare Tyrande down. "Nice of you to show up, Tyrande. We were just making plans to combat the void threat once more about to wreak havoc on our world while you dismissed the very man that imprisoned one of the greatest threats to our existence."

Tyrande narrowed her eyes, her ears going flat on her skull. She gave Illidan the 'I'll deal with you later' look before marching up to Maiev and fixing her in her deep, dark stare. "I ordered you to keep an eye on him and lock him up because he is dangerous, warden. I am fully aware of his deeds, which changes nothing. He endangered our people in so many ways, and made sacrifices that resulted in the deaths of many innocents. I thought I could trust you with once more being a jailkeeper until we could be assured that his return did not mark another betrayal."

"Are you questioning my judgement, Tyrande?" Maiev snarled. She bared her fangs in the priestess's face. "You, of whom put your husband before your people. You, who dropped everything for him back when the Burning Legion settled in Val'sharah, rushing along to save him while our groove rotted away. Do not think I did not hear, "night warrior". Then, when our people needed you the most, you took your husband and fled. You, just a little too late to save Sira, of whom became doomed to undeath. You, who took in the Night Warrior just to sit around in Darkshore after Nathanos's defeat, then go into isolation after the war under the guise of rebuilding when really we all knew you were tending to Malfurion, of whom was fully capable of being cared for by another. Your people needed you, Tyrande. Where were you? And why are you questioning my abilities when I have been working diligently for our people ever since my rescue from Blackrook?!"

Tyrande was dead silent for a moment. Her lip quivered angrily, and a low, cat-like hiss emitted from the pit of her chest. She was seething, and at a loss for words. However, she kept her composure. "I entrusted you to keep him locked down because I still believe he is a threat to us. I saved my husband not out of sheer love . Our people needed leadership and inspiration at Stormwind. The survivors needed reassurance after that tragedy. I was too late to save Sira because I had been busy with the ritual to make me stronger. Sira made a foolish decision, going off alone... I kept communications, I did not go off into isolation. The war took its toll, I was making offerings to Elune, strengthening our people through our faith. Where were you, Maiev? Working diligently?! On things such as letting that... beast free?!"

"Excuses, Tyrande, EXCUSES! I have made my decision and am standing my ground. The Demon Hunter is no longer a threat, and in fact, he is still under my watch. While you sit here shrieking like a captured owl, I'm taking action and opening my mind. Yes, me. Close-minded, xenophobic Maiev. I despised you when you did it. Now I see that we need to open our eyes and accept help if our entire planet and people want to survive. Or are you going to remain hypocritical with your anger at me, when you freed the damned demon hunter without consequence to this day many years ago? Do you have Malfurion's horns so far up your ass that you forget everything you've done?" Maiev shot back, leaning further into the other night elf's face.

Tyrande's hand flew up to Maiev's face--she intended on slapping her. Hard. However, a flash of green, and Tyrande discovered that her slap wouldn't make it. For Illidan was holding Tyrande's wrist, preventing such an action. His scowl had changed into more of a grim frown. Without missing a beat, Maiev snarled, "I can handle myself."

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