Chapter 23

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A few days had passed since the great battles. Illidan and Maiev had recovered quite a bit, indulging on each other's bodies frequently during the recovery effort of course. A new day was upon them, and Maiev awoke, bare and happy. She stretched, running her hands over her breasts absent-mindedly in thought. Honestly, she never took the time to relax like this. Really, the only reason she did however was because she was forced to. Recovery was a bitch. But perhaps a kind one.

The warden left the bed, wandering into the kitchen and looking for some food. As usual, Illidan remained sleeping in. Funnily enough, she woke up after him most of the time. One would think it would work in reverse, but that wasn't the case. Perhaps it was because her mind was constantly worrying with concerns in general. She glanced up as an owl flew into her kitchen, holding her arm out for it to land upon. Within its beak was a letter.

Maiev skimmed it over, nodding to herself. How satisfying--it detailed the finished work of her new armor, and mentioned that she could pick it up at some point later today. With that out of the way, and her body now satisfactory for battle once more, she could focus on issues at hand. She put that letter aside, spotting another. The owl flew off as she opened the second one.


We appreciate your work in Uldum and Azsuna. Something has come up in the ashes of Teldrassil. I want to discuss with you and Illidan regarding the fine details. Please meet me within Stormwind Keep so that we may do so. Once more, thank you for your service.


High King Anduin

Well, it looked like today was going to be full of errands. Maiev gladly would get back into action now that she'd recovered successfully. She knew Illidan wasn't one to sit around either. In fact, she felt arms wrap around her torso and felt a certain demon hunter rest his chin on her shoulder. The night elf couldn't help but shudder happily.

"Look who's finally awake. Greetings, my love," Maiev muttered softly, turning her head a bit to bump her cheek against his affectionately. "I need to pick my armor up today, and then we were requested to meet the High King."

Illidan snorted and flicked an ear. "High King, hmm? How amusing. Hopefully he is prepared for the inevitable persistence of our new enemy. I know little of the void as compared to the Legion. However, they know quite a bit of me," he replied, nuzzling into her neck and taking in her scent. Once more, he was struck by an actual feeling of happiness. Something denied to him due to his sacrifices, of course--not that he didn't regret or deserve what had happened. But to love someone, and have them feel the same back was ecstasy. He was coming to realize, over and over again, how foolish his obsession with Tyrande was.

Truth be told, Maiev felt the same. Never had she taken on a mate. She was obsessed over, well... Illidan. Apparently more than just a hate-filled relationship, too. Luckily she was not scorned by her wardens, either, for this. Not that it would have mattered, considering she'd go about and do as she would anyway. This just made things so much easier. Clearing her throat, she chuckled, "Well, you will survive. You have me to save your ass when you get yourself in trouble. Anyway, there is no time to waste."

Laughing in response, Illidan let go and gave her a bow, sneering. "After you, oh 'champion'," he growled mockingly. Maiev playfully shoved him aside as she headed to finish up the cooking, feeding herself and Illidan before rushing to the bedroom and throwing on some clothing.

Off the couple flew, Illidan with his wings, and Maiev on her hippogryph. She figured her owl needed a long rest after its valiant rescue of her upon the destruction of the C'thrax. First stop was the Warden Encampment. Touching down, Illidan and Maiev wandered to the center of the camp, ignoring the usual hustle and bustle.

Marin spotted the two and wandered over, saluting them in respect. Jokingly, she said, "Should we fit Illidan with armor? He would be the first male warden. How ironic would that be..." Receiving a snort from the demon hunter and an eyeroll from Maiev, Marin chuckled, her smirk deepening a moment before her expression grew serious. "Now then, your armor has been fitted and enhanced, Maiev. We have been experiment with more void-resistant gear, and are confident that your plate will hold up much better now. We have reports that other teams were successful in flushing out the void entities, however more are springing up around the world. Should I make plans to send off forces?"

The leader of the wardens considered things for a moment before shaking her head. "No. Something appears to be wrong with the ashes of Teldrassil. We need to meet the High King and take care of that first. Send reports to our allies, and bring the locations along. I want you to come with me, along with a small force. We are heading out as soon as possible."

Her friend nodded in response and turned, barking orders at the other night elves. "I will meet you there, then, with the reports," Marin replied, satisfying Maiev.

Meanwhile, Illidan stretched his wings, looking about with impatience. "We must disembark soon, there is little time to waste. The Legion was not one to wait around--the void, now with its influence spreading, is likely finished waiting as well," he growled. Maiev wandered over and elbowed him, signaling for her mount.

"Rushing in without a plan might be how you work, Illidan,but there is something called organization. Come on, we'll head out now," Maiev shot back in response, with a good-natured tone of course. The two took off toward Stormwind as Illidan didn't bother to prevent himself from cackling.

"No plan, Maiev? How laughable. I am always prepared," Illidan replied while flying beside her, the glow of one of his eyes going out a moment as he winked from beneath his blindfold.

"Is that how I managed to hunt you down several times and imprison you?" Maiev questioned dangerously.

Illidan wavered a moment, a tinge of green on his cheeks as he blushed somewhat. "Touche."

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