Chapter 8

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Maiev was in a bliss for the first time in a while. Comfortable, warm, worry free... well. Kind of. Her mind, usually on the move and buzzing, was at rest. She snuggled into the one of whom she used to hate so strongly. Hatred that had, apparently, turned into love. Feeling his fingers stroke through her hair, she sighed softly. His voice, usually used to tongue lash whoever he was talking to, was soothing as he spoke with her.

"Maiev, my pet. How are you feeling? You slept for many hours, I can feel you relaxed against me. I have not left your side, my business can be put off until I am sure you are truly comfortable," he mused into her ear, the claws of his other hand drumming along her back. Maiev shuddered, not really used to feeling this good. It was new territory. She considered his question, giving a luxurious yawn.

"I feel... wonderful. I haven't felt this way in a long while, Illidan. I had no idea you were, well... loving," she replied, snuggling into him. She heard the demon hunter chuckle slightly, which caused her to blush a bit. ""

"The feeling is mutual. Long was I lost in the mind. So... obsessed over someone that despised me. It is good to feel loved back--" he then cut himself off, his ears flattening. He tensed at that moment, muttering, "Ah, I mean. If-- I did not mean to..."

Maiev, confused, had to think for a moment as to why he'd stopped there. Then, it dawned on her. The word he used. Love. She used it too, but not in that particular fashion. "It is fine, Illidan. Such terminology would be accurate. As you said. Mutual." She didn't use the word herself, not now. She was, perhaps, incapable of doing so. Or, more accurately, too shy. She turned, facing him, and buried her face into his chest bashfully. Elune, she'd never been like this before. This was likely very good for her.

She felt Illidan's claws dragging along gently down her back, soothing her. He was making no forward move, right now. He wanted her to continue to rest--the Demon Hunter wasn't stupid. He knew that as soon as she was able, she'd demand to return to combat. But, well, combat could wait.

The smell of fresh steak and potatoes swept through the air, causing Maiev's stomach to rumble. She blushed harder, embarrassed and still hiding her face. Illidan couldn't hold back a chuckle this time. "My, Maiev, you sound hungry. It is a good thing I planned ahead and had Adarah prepare you something delicious." The female night elf finally pulled her head away from the demon hunter and looked toward the entrance of the room, licking her lips.

"Mm.. that sounds wonderful." She sat up, composing herself, though darkening her blush when Illidan reached up and gently fondled her breast, playing with her nipple absent-mindedly. She jumped slightly, giving a gulp, and ignored him for now, allowing him to indulge feeling her up. Truth be told, she enjoyed that feeling too.

Adarah trotted in, placing a plate of steak and potatoes on a stand in front of her. She grinned, lashing her tail and purring, "D'awww, you both are so cute together~ Who would have thought?" She giggled and exited soon after, evidently to go take care of some other business. Maiev eagerly grabbed the plate, wolfing down her food and not really caring much for manners right now. Yeah, it'd been a while since she'd eaten.

Illidan observed, signature smirk upon his face yet still. He was glad that Maiev was able to relax here and now, even if just for a few days. He mulled over his own work in his mind, considering taking the day to rest and relax with her. Catch up on more than what he already knew, and all. Such knowledge could be important. Plus, he enjoyed listening to Maiev talk. Even if it was her taunting of him. Perhaps that's why they argued back and forth so much in the Cathedral.

Maiev finally finished eating, placing the plate back on the nightstand and sinking down, cuddling with Illidan. The demon hunter couldn't help but indulge, dragging his fingers and claws along her torso, passing around her breasts and over her nipples every so often to send shivers down her spine. He cleared his throat and asked in a relaxed tone, "Aside from the war and growing threat, how have things been in my absence? With you, particularly, Maiev. Surely you must have many stories to tell."

Maiev sighed, a light frown crossing her face. "I have been serving my people, Illidan. Getting rid of foes... and some friends. Putting down Sira was never easy. But she was not right in the mind. Such hatred toward Elune... fighting with those that burned her own home down, killed her own people... no doubt Sylvanas had her talons shut around her tightly. I am glad we never have to deal with the wretched undead again," she growled. This prompted Illidan to chuckle, causing a sharp glance to be sent from the female night elf. "What?"

"Ah, allies come in the most unlikely of places, Maiev. You know I use the demonic alliance as a tool. Aid me and they survive. I have made similar pacts with the undead. They are invaluable to the battle against the void," he replied. Maiev tensed up, her jaw dropping. He couldn't be serious.

"...You are joking, I hope. We cannot trust undead. Not after what Sylvanas did. She was just like Arthas," Maiev snapped. Once more, that damned chuckle rang out from the demon hunter.

"My pet, you have so much to learn about negotiations, and understanding in general. Much as not every demon is the same, not every being cursed with undeath is either. They have their own wills, their own desires. Some wish to save their world. Some seek redemption... and some seek to watch the world burn. I will work with the former two, of course. Putting aside meager hatreds for the greater good will be more helpful for our people in the long run," Illidan explained, patting Maiev gently on the head.

The warden grumbled but went silent, mulling things over in her mind. Perhaps he was right. She wasn't happy about it, not at all. But... perhaps she could do with a little understanding.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now