Chapter 30: The Conclusion

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It took everything not to sit here and sob for hours over her dead mate's body. Maiev did not want to make herself vulnerable here, however. Therefore, she got herself to her feet, her head hanging and her ears flat. A hand fell upon her shoulder. Her best friend, Marin, whispered, "Hey... are you alright? I am so sorry, Maiev."

A silence stretched between them. Maiev was finding it painful to speak. Finally, she replied, though her voice cracked somewhat. "He gave his all for our world. Sacrificed himself, sacrificed everything. I will live, and carry on. Yes, I am fine. We should depart." She reached up and wiped away some of the tears that gathered in her eyes with the back of her hand.

She whistled for her owl, pulling her mate's body up upon its back and taking a seat as well. The warden had to ignore the looks of sympathy from her comrades. Now was not the time to dwell. They needed to get out of here. They approached Khadgar, of whom looked overjoyed and somber at the same time.

"Many lives were lost today," the archmage said with a heavy sigh. He looked toward the shattered chains and the failed void lord. "But none of it was in vain. We continue to exist, and our world can move on toward stability once more." Those around him nodded, and he wandered over to address Maiev specifically. Spotting Illidan's body, he gasped. "Oh Maiev. I am so sorry--" he began, but was cut off by a wave of the warden's hand.

"I will bury the body myself and honor him. Now is not the time to dwell," the warden replied. She was feeling very woozy herself, as she'd sustained massive injuries that were now catching up to her. Khadgar just gave a saddened nod, flicking his wrist and opening up a portal to Azeroth. Indeed, as mentioned before, they had no easy way here but an easy way back due to the anchor points.

One by one did the armies return home to Azeroth, going about their way. Maiev barked some orders to the wardens in a hollow voice, and acknowledged the questions from the Illidari. Many asked what she would do with his body, needing to be satisfied with her response. Some wanted to follow and pay tribute, but their comrades pulled them aside and warned against it due to this very fragile situation. Truth be told, Maiev didn't really hear any of what was said. She was going through the motions, lost in her own thoughts, her heart heavy and her eyes tired.

She received decent healing from a priest, thanking them shortly before taking to the skies, heading toward Val'sharah. That area had been stabilized by the druids, finally, after many mishaps leading up to the void lord's 'demise'. She found herself in a clearing and gently placed the body of her mate down, surrounded by grass and warm sunlight. Granted, the sun was just beginning to set, so said light would fade soon into moonlight.

Tears crawled down her cheeks as she kneeled over him, letting her emotions spill out, letting herself truly cry. Whimpers and sobs emitted from the warden as she shuddered with sorrow, the loss of the only one that had ever truly loved her ripping her apart inside.

That was when, of course... she felt a hand cup her cheek, and a low, gritty voice hit her ears. "Maiev, my love. It saddens me to see you so sorrowful. While I am honored you would pour out this much emotion for me, perhaps it is time to take a deep breath," Illidan growled, his glowing eyes now open from underneath his blindfold.

A gasp flew from the warden's mouth, and suddenly she threw herself on top of him, wrapping her arms around him in a very tight hug. Illidan chuckled and sat up, returning the hug and taking her into his arms. He leaned down after the hug concluded, providing her with a deep kiss that lasted quite a while. Finally, when they pulled away, he explained what had happened.

"I almost was lost in the darkness, Maiev. I made a mistake, letting my guard down, allowing those chains to incapacitate me. When the monster swallowed me, I felt my mind slowly start to disintegrate. Urgent voices in the distance, so far away, indicated that the time was then to strike. I released the remainder of my power, using up most of my soul, aside from the smallest of glimmer. I could not leave you, Maiev, as tempting as losing myself to the darkness was. You mean far too much to me, Dalah'surfal. I love you with all of my heart," Illidan purred, nuzzling into her and taking in her scent.

Tears of joy spilled out of the warden's eyes as she relaxed in his arms. "I love you too, Illidan," Maiev whispered in response. She found herself almost swimming now in emotion. To be quite honest, she still had not rested properly at all since the battle--though healed, she'd come to here immediately in her weakened state.

Illidan grunted and stood up with some effort. "We both need rest, Maiev. Let us return to the temple and rejoice our victory," he said, spreading his wings and taking off into the sky. As the sun set, the beams lit up their faces, both calm, both happy. Several times did they kiss deeply on the way home, grateful to have one another, and grateful to truly have love.


And so, the illidari were alerted that their master was still alive, but recovering. Celebrations all around Azeroth were held, and the lives lost in the great battle were mourned and honored. Illidan and Maiev remained happy together, facing off any challenge that came their way with savage vigor.

Perhaps in your adventures in Azeroth you can catch them sometime playfully arguing or dismembering an enemy. They would wish you well and, of course, never back down, and never give in.

-:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:-THE END-:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:-

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