Chapter 6 Bonus: Succubus x Shivarra

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Author's note (you can skip this if you don't care and want to read the chapter): Alright so, you know from the last chapter that the two demonesses went into the other room, and the assumption that they're fucking is correct. This is the bonus chapter, it doesn't really have the signature erotica couple here (obviously), so it's optional. It also doesn't move the plot along. I know I'm making this too long, but bear with me. I plan on writing my books so that thematically, the main bits will be centered around the ship and its erotica, along with the major plot being moved along of course beyond that. Extras like this are provided to those that will reap enjoyment from this interaction too. If you don't like this, then feel free to skip it. Same goes for any novel & relationship dynamic (BDSM wise) that you don't find yourself enjoying. In the grand scheme of the non-erotica plotline, I won't make every book essential, and clearly label what goes on and where in terms of contents of the erotica. That being said? Enjoy.


Adarah was thrown onto the bed, letting out a squeal of ecstasy. "Mmm, Malevolence, thought you wanted to work, have you changed your mind? Oh, please, tear me to shreds mistress. Fuck me hard, use me..." the succubus moaned, her barbed tail lashing back and forth. The shivarra obliged, of course, leaping on top of her and practically crushing her with her strength.

One top arm held Adarah by the neck. The two middle arms roughly fondled her breasts, paying particular attention to the nipples. In fact, every time the shivarra's claw flicked at the tip of her nipple, Adarah arced her back and let out a groan of pleasure. Her legs spread instantly, fluid pouring out, inviting the Shivarrah to do as she pleased. Malevolence grinned, tilting her head a bit and observing her prey.

"Mmm, I enjoy how eager you are, Adarah. So ready to accept my gifts. Well then, here they are. I want to hear you scream. Now. Who is your mistress?!" Malevolence demanded, her tone lashing out like a sharp whip.

Adarah responded in kind, providing another moan from the depths of her chest before begging, "Please Mistress Malevolence, fuck me, be rough. Do it hard. Please. I need it, mistress..."

Malevolence grinned in approval. She used one of her free bottom arms to reach down and shove three fingers into the succubus, rapidly moving in and out. She wasn't one to delay, not when being begged. Sometimes, maybe, but Malevolence was hungry for this, and she wanted it now. She used her thumb to rub at the demoness's clit, stimulating her to pour out even more fluids from her body. All the while, these actions caused the succubus to vibrate with pleasure, twisting and turning, unable to control her own body.

This went on for a good five minutes, and Malevolence enjoyed ripping every single orgasm from the succubus. Her free top and bottom hands ripped at the demonness's flesh, reopening scars from previous sessions of course and causing blood to flow. It lubricated this entire process, especially as she rubbed it down upon the succubus's warmth.

Letting go of her neck now, Malevolence reached up and grabbed one of the succubuss's horns, pulling her forward and onto her lap. Their legs entwined as they fell down onto the bed, and soon enough Malevolence was forcing the succubus to move up and down, using her own hips to rub their vaginas together very quickly. The mix of Adarah's blood and self-lubricant, along with Malevolence's fluids of course, eased this process quite a bit.

The rubbing stimulated both of their clits, and soon enough both were writhing with an orgasm. Malevolence continued hanging onto Adarah's horn, while both of her bottom arms moved onto grabbing the succubuss's ass and intensifying the motion, the rubbing back and forth growing more rough.

As a sign of dominance, Malevolence forced Adarah to tilt her head to the side via guiding her with her horn, then lunged and quickly sank her demon fangs into her neck. She had no need of drinking her blood, but her tongue caressed her neck all the while as she held her there with her jaws, sliding along and moving her hips in just the right ways to make the succubus buck, moan, and cascade into even more orgasms.

During this, Adarah's barbed tail lashed with pleasure--she wasn't about to waste this opportunity. A challenge, and with it, a promised punishment. This was going to be fucking great. Her tail swung around the pair, the only free body part of Adarah for use right now. The barbs unsheathed and soon the tail reached its destination--Malevolence's back and ass. Adarah used her tail to sink into the shivarra's back, dragging the barbs along and splitting skin. The shivarra threw back her head and let out a shriek of pain and pleasure, one middle arm releasing the grasp on one of the succubus's breasts and reaching out to grab the tail.

The two demonesses were interlocked in this battle now. Adarah knew her place--but this challenge was too tempting to pass. The shivarra's hand finally got a hold of the tail and slammed it down onto the bed. The tail, of course, wrapped around the demoness's arm, lashing and ripping flesh on it further to deal more damage.

Now, the shivarra let go of her other breast. Well, kind of. She flashed her claws and plunged them into the flesh around the succubus's breast, causing more bleeding and flesh-ripping. All the while, intensely increasing her hip movements, shuddering with orgasms but determined to emphasize her dominance.

Adarah let out a scream, her fangs flashing and her body twisting. Her tail relaxed a little bit, but Malevolence snarled, not quite satisfied. Her jaws let go of the succubus's neck as she trailed her lips along the succubus's neck, jawline, and finally cheek, locking lips with her and plunging her tongue inside. Adarah closed her eyes, lost in the kiss, as her tail finally relaxed and let go entirely. During the kiss, the middle arms returned to roughly fondling the succubus's breasts, encouraging them to bounce along as the succbus was dominated.

Several more orgasms ripped through the two demonesses before finally Adarah collapsed, going limp before the shivarra. Finally, was Malevolence satisfied. She continued relentlessly rubbing, stimulating a few more weak orgasms before finally letting go. She finished her kiss, leaning down to whisper into the succubus's ear, "That's it, my slave. I admire just how much of a risk you took, but as usual, in the end, you were shown your place. Good girl.... good girl. Rest now, so that I may use you again, Adarah. You pleased your mistress."

With that, and a final orgasm from Malevolence herself (she always had to have the last word), the shivarra released the limp succubus, climbing off of her and smirking. She paused to run one of her hands through the demoness's hair, caressing her cheek with another. "I will return, my love. Lay tight... very tight."

With a cackle, she bounded off into the other room, leaving the succubus to lay there, chest heaving, body decompressing. Malevolence soon returned, a cloth in each of her six hands with healing remedies to boot. She got to work cleaning the succubus of blood and fluids, doing so for herself too. She also handed her a glass of water, of which Adarah weakly gulped down and returned to laying there. Malevolence finally placed all aftercare tools aside and slipped into bed with the succubus, pulling her to rest between her large breasts. Like pillows, of course.

With one of her hands did the shivarra run her fingers through the succubus's hair, coaxing her into a very relaxed and satisfying sleep.

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