Chapter 17

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Beams of the morning light greeted the sleeping couple, causing Maiev first to blink awake. She yawned and stretched, feeling very satisfied. Today, however, was going to be brutal, and by Elune she was prepared. She rolled out of bed, careful not to disturb a still-sleeping demon hunter. She did pause a moment, staring her sleeping mate down, smirking somewhat. Well, at least he was quiet when he slept.

Wandering over to the armor stand after tossing on the appropriate clothing, she began carefully slipping her plate gear on, wasting no time. She kept her helmet off, making her way to the kitchen and starting some breakfast. Illidan was taking too long with his rest--she'd make him cook some other time. At the moment, she'd serve breakfast, and then make the call to leave.

The smell of Pterrordax eggs cooking hit Illidan's nose right as he began to stir. He sat up, blinking his eyelids (which didn't really hide the felfire pouring from them, of course, though it did dim them slightly). He looked about the room, taking in every inch of it, noting the energies that emitted from its walls. Mostly fel, as this was his temple. Maiev's aura, of which dripped with raw energy and power, was not next to him, most importantly, however. He sat up, staring at the wall and then through it easily, until he spotted Maiev in the kitchen with waves of heat around her. Well well, she must be cooking. How kind of her.

He got to his hooves, flexing his fingers and unfurling his wings. The demon hunter walked down the hallway and joined Maiev, not making an effort to be stealthy by any means and merely wrapping his arms around her torso, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I see you are making food. Lovely. How are you feeling, Maiev? Rested I hope. We have a long day of making the void monstrosities suffer," Illidan purred, his nostrils flaring.

"Finally, you awaken. This is for both of us, so yes, you are very welcome. I am feeling well rested and ready to destroy those fiends," the warden responded, unable to help but relax in his arms. They stood there together for a moment, enjoying one another's proximity until Maiev finished up and brought the food to the table. Quickly did both night elves devour their food, enabling Maiev to slip her helmet on. "We need to move quickly. While I was cooking, I received word of a C'thrax having risen in the center of Uldum. They are after something...perhaps the great machine that wiped out a chunk of life in that area. Regardless. We haven't much time."

Illidan nodded, motioning for Maiev to follow. The female night elf snatched her glaives up, and soon both demon hunter and warden were off, flying through the air with much haste, Maiev on her owl and Illidan using his wings. Once more they had to use a portal to get to where they needed to go (Gadgetzan, to meet up with their other forces before leaping directly into combat), and once more did Illidan get hit hard with a heavy burning sensation.

He gasped, laying there for a moment before getting up again, baring his fangs and grumbling, "I am fine," when people wandered over to check on him. Maiev didn't bother--she knew he'd be well enough after a few moments. Rather, she turned to her wardens, providing a serious nod.

"We will be embarking on a serious journey against a void monstrosity threatening our world. The void's influence has been silent ever since that wretched witch Azshara was chased back into the sea upon the death of her god. I fear his influence has returned, stronger than ever before... growing. Seething. Overflowing with sheer evil and hatred until finally it bursts forth from our very world. Azeroth has gone silent to our speaker. I fear that it might be a result of the current threat. The world's heroes fought valiantly once before against the old god of the sea and its queen. Now, they must rise again, and us with them. Who is with me?!" Maiev shouted. A cheer rang out among the wardens, causing her to nod in approval and turn away, mounting her owl. To the skies they flew, angled toward Uldum and more importantly, the issue at hand.

And boy was it a monster to behold. Its name was Shn'thrixa, Commander of the Desiccated. Its giant carapace came into view as Maiev's army of wardens and Illidan's army of demons drew closer. The shine of bright, blood red almost seared their eyes, forcing some to glance away at its intensity. Solar energy reflected off of the shell like an aura of fire, ironic since this was a being of pure darkness. The monster towered as high as the colossus that used to wander the land and annihilate anything that got into its path. Claws snapped, sending out tremors and booms like that of thunder. Well... the wardens and demons got their work cut out for them.

Upon getting closer its minions were a sight to observe. Ironic, too-- for they were Tol'vir, massive cat-like creatures with the build similar to a centaur but as primal felines. Their eyes were completely black, their auras not much better. These former titan constructs were bent to the will of the void, and Shn'thrixa intended fully on using them as cannon fodder.

Circling around some height above the head of the monstrosity, Maiev motioned orders, knowing that her wardens would understand. Illidan would work with her forces, moving in upon her signal. Like an owl diving for prey did the wardens fall, seeming to entirely shimmer out of sight entirely, only to appear moments later near the giant's eyes, slicing into them and attempting to blind it. Maiev landed upon the top of its head, drawing her glaive and slamming it into the shell. Her glaive's power indeed cut through it, leaving a gash of oozing black blood.

This was effective until the creature reared its head back and gave an ear-piercing wail. Such a noise was so powerful that it knocked off several wardens, sending them spiraling down to the ground. Saved by their owls from gravity, yes, but not from the corrupted Tol'vir--an entirely new enemy to face while avoiding being crushed by the C'thrax's giant clawed feet and dangerous void energies.

Maiev, however, held strong, clutching one of her glaives and slicing into the shell again and again, busting through layer after layer, until she formed a hole. What was the purpose of said hole? Well... she entered it, of course, almost gagging at the stench of rotting flesh. There was no going back now. While Illidan and his demons retained its focus, she was going to journey to stop its heart. 

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