Chapter 26

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The chase was on, and Maiev was looking forward to keeping her mind off of the stress that had struck her quite a bit lately. She knew little of this new temple, contrary to how Illidan likely knew much, much more. Turning several corners of the golden-bricked halls, she found herself rushing by many well-done art pieces, some neatly framed windows, exotic curtains, and comfortable-looking furniture every so often. Nothing out of the ordinary, but she didn't expect much aside from a demon here and there. In fact, she did zip by the succubus, of whom whistled at her and gave a cheer. Rolling her eyes, Maiev rushed onward, her ear flicking as the sound of wingbeats grew ever closer.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she gulped, rushing into a room with flooring made of stone bricks. Green and purple rugs covered the floor, accompanied by a decorated table with illadari symbols all over it and several chairs and couches. A large clock was tucked in the corner, with just enough room to tuck herself behind. The thud of hoofs arrived at the door of the room as it swung open right as she managed to calm herself enough to stay still reasonably well. In her excitement, however, she forgot one critical thing--spectral sight. Aw, shit.

The realization dawned on her as she narrowed her eyes, hearing Illidan's chuckle ring out through the room. The demon hunter hummed in a taunting tone, "Well well, Maiev, a bit rusty, are we? Overconfident? How very amusing. I will enjoy burying myself deep within you. The chase was quite fun..." Thud.....thud...thud..thud... Closer and closer did he grow to the warden, causing her to lick her lips in anticipation. The stomping of his hooves ended right in front of the clock, and she could hear the light tapping of claws drumming against the glass.

Illidan continued. "However, my delicious pet, in the end I always find satisfaction. You have made a grave mistake by hiding here. Poor, poor Maiev... forgetting so easily my abilities," he purred, suddenly reaching behind the clock and grabbing her arm. Maiev yelped but was struck with an idea right as he landed his grab--she pressed up against the wall and flung herself out of hiding, bouncing against the adjacent wall and spring-boarding off of it, ripping herself free of his grasp. As she rushed by him with unnatural speed, she smirked and bared her fangs.

"Going to have to do better than that, my love--" she started, but was cut off by a loud flap of the demon hunter's wings, of which sent him launching toward her. Oh no, she would not fall for this again--sharply did she make a turn, narrowly missing capture again. Laughing at her mate, she turned and booked it toward the door, with one tiny little... problem. She was stopped in her tracks, gasping as inertia sent the lower half of her body forward, tripping her and causing her to fall backward. For her head and neck had slowed. A chain was attached to her collar, the other end of it in Illidan's grasp. He'd held the chain in one hand, lunging forward to catch her as she fell backward. Evidently he'd attached it to the collar while she was dodging out of his previous attempts to pin her.

Maiev thrashed now, captured and in his arms. Illidan gently pulled the chain back, tilting her head back and planting a kiss on her neck. He growled, darting to the couch and throwing her upon it, pouncing upon her and giving her no room to escape. From there, he traced his nose along her cheek, his tongue flicking out and dragging against the vein in her neck. He made his way down easily, disposing of the remainder of her armor and clothing with ease--such things would be looked into later.

For now, his mouth closed around her breast, his tongue swirling her nipple in his mouth. Maiev groaned and arced her back into him, feeling herself grow wet instantly. Claws sunk into her side as he sank his fangs delicately into her flesh, drawing a bit of blood as he continued to suckle on that nipple. Thin red lines formed as he clawed and ripped her skin, causing bleeding to which he let go of the woman's breast and began to lap up, snarling in satisfaction.

His prey squirmed and jolted in his grasp, gasping out and moaning softly. The demon hunter grinded against her, reminding her soon of what was to happen. She could feel his erection from under his thin leather pants, and she shuddered at the thought of him piercing her once again. She craved it, that was for damn sure. But Illidan was far from finished with foreplay.

He leaned up and nibbled on her ear, whispering tauntingly, "You will be a puddle of pleasure beneath me when I finish with you, Maiev. So amusing to see the hunter become the prey, hmm? I could end your life right here, right now..." His free hand flew up to wrap around her neck, squeezing dangerously. Fear flashed in the night elven woman's eyes as she squirmed and whimpered. Such sounds were a delicious turn-on, causing Illidan to lean up and drag his tongue over his lips right in front of her eyes. Maiev groaned in response, flustered so much that she was forced to close her eyes in submission.

The demon hunter disposed of his pants, taking just a moment to do so, and gave no pause. He reared back and thrust forward, angling himself perfectly to impale her. Maiev cried out in pleasure, arcing her back as fluid poured out from her now. Illidan's movements were extremely hard and fast as he entered and exited with ferocious power. His muscles rippled as he did so, and the hand around the warden's throat tightened, making it harder and harder for her to focus. Orgasms washed over her, wave after wave, refusing to stop as she lost control of her responses entirely (not that she had much control before, granted.)

Soon, however, he switched things up. He withdrew for but a moment, positioning her with the upper half of her body bent over the arm of the couch and moved himself behind her. Her stomach was pressed against the arm as well, and her hands grasping the seat cushions. Once more did he enter roughly, pressing her against the couch and pounding into her relentlessly. She cried out and moaned, feeling the chain of her collar being tugged and limiting her breathing. The dizzying pleasure forced her to give way to several more waves of pleasure. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, keeling gasps, moans, and whimpers spilling from her lips.

This position allowed less give, and Illidan could thrust more deeply into Maiev, which made for more brutal violations. Her strength was fading fast as while one of his hands held and kept taut the leash, the other circled around and fondled her breast roughly as he pressed down upon her, a sure sign of dominance. This went on for a long while before Maiev finally gave in, going limp beneath him.

The demon hunter was approaching his end as well. He thrust into her a few more times, feeling her inner walls grab and knead him, soon enough causing his own waves of pleasure to wash over him and signify the end of their rather brutal sex. For now.

Withdrawing from Maiev, Illidan took her into his arms, burying his face into her chest a moment and taking in her scent. "Maiev," he whispered in a very soft tone. "You never cease to impress and please me. How do you feel, my love."

The warden exhaled happily, her eyes closed and her body relaxed. "Mmm...wonderful." Satisfied, Illidan wandered back to the bedroom, cleaning her wounds gently and showering her with the usual adoration and praise. He took very good care to check that she was alright before settling down to cuddle for the night.

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now