Chapter 13

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The chitters of swamp birds (the ones not eaten by dinosaurs, anyway) rang out, awakening the sleeping couple and signifying that morning had come. Illidan sighed, sitting up, his long dark hair spilling into his face. He combed it back with his claws, grumbling to himself and rolling out of bed. Quickly did he get washed up, preparing for his meeting with the King today. Not that he had to do much, really. Scars from the void attack yesterday still showed clearly on his flesh, but he paid them no mind.

He wandered back into the room to discover Maiev sitting up and looking around. She rubbed her eyes before fixing them on Illidan, flicking an ear and nodding shyly. "Good morning," she muttered, her tone serious. She knew it was time to get ready. Illidan grinned, flashing his demonic fangs before darting over and giving her a quick hug. His wings wrapped around her momentarily before he let go. He finished things up with a quick peck on her lips.

"Good morning, my pet. Your armor is in the closet right over there. Are you ready to head out? I have someone ready to set up a portal. The King is anticipating our arrival," Illidan replied, letting go and walking over to said closet. He opened it, letting the iconic warden garb clamor to the ground. Maiev gasped.

"Be careful with that! It's important!" she growled, rushing over and picking up the pieces, already setting herself up to slip them on.

"My pet, you constantly wear such armor into battle. I am sure it can handle a challenge such as the floor," Illidan mused with a chuckle. He watched as she stumbled about, getting the final pieces secured before slipping on her helm. She just needed her glaive, and then she would be ready. She glowered at Illidan from behind her helm, placing her hands upon her hips.

"Never is an issue to be careful, you damned demon hunter. Now. Where is my weapon?" she asked, holding out her hand. Illidan smirked, wandering over to a different holding cabinet and pulling out her glorious glaive. It still had dried felblood on it, no doubt from when Maiev had tried to stop him a few days before. Before things got a bit more...complicated, of course. He handed the weapon to her, holding out his hand soon after.

"Come, Maiev. Negotiations await. I have slipped a map into your bag that holds the location of this temple, should you be ready to return. Likely a better spot than that lonesome hut you put together on the Isles," he commented. Maiev accepted his hand, swept into his arms and carried outside, where Illidan flapped once, sending himself into the air, heading toward the proper meeting point as to take some portals to Stormwind.

"My time here has been wonderful, Illidan. When I finish discussing matters with the wardens, I will definitely be back. Thank you," she sighed, resting her head against his chest. Not the same effect as before, obviously, considering she had a hard metal helm on. Illidan pat the top of said helm, giving a chuckle.

"The feeling is mutual. I am glad to hear it, Maiev. Look, in the distance. Our aid awaits," he added. A lone man stood on a hill, waving to the pair as they swooped down together. Grey hair, blueish robes, blue eyes, and a raven staff... why, it was Khadgar. The 'band' was getting back together again.

"Well well well, you made it! I was beginning to wonder where you were! I can't say I'm surprised to see you again, Illidan. Just sooner, rather than later! Glad you aren't a-void-ing me now that you've returned," chuckled the powerful mage, bowing before the pair as Illidan landed. Placing Maiev on the ground beside him, he sighed.

"Your words do not amuse me, Khadgar. Indeed, the Legion has been shattered, and Sargeras imprisoned. Hopefully it will remain that way for several thousand years," the demon hunter replied, glancing about. "Despite your annoying words, however, I do appreciate the aid. I am glad you understand the magnitude of this issue."

Illidan's Pet {A Mature-Rated Illidan x Maiev Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now