Chapter two: Harper

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I watched Carlos as he attempted to put together a jigsaw puzzle. It was always funny watching him solve a problem, his little tongue poked out and he got the cutest little crease between his eyebrows. I laughed to myself softly and picked up the corner piece he was looking for.

His eyes lit up, and he took the piece from my hands and smiled like he'd won a trophy.

"Thank you! Thank you, Harpy!" He said, giving me a hug.

I laughed out loud and smiled at him.

"Now the border's done, will you please go to bed?" I asked him.

"Yes, Harpy." He said. "Will you help me tomorrow?"

"Sure little man, so long as you go to bed now." I told him, giving him a squeeze.

He scampered off to bed, calling out "love you" on his way. I smiled at his door as it shut and whispered, "love you too."

My smile faded and I slumped back on the sofa, trying to remember the last time I had smiled without having to fake happiness. I was tired of feeling this way. lost. I wished for something to energise me and take my mind away from everything that was wrong with my mind, why was I like this?

There wasn't anything I could do about it. This wasn't my fault. It was just pure bad luck.

I looked out of the window, wondering when Mum and Dad would get home, they said the dinner would only last a couple of hours, at most. But I was used to them being late. It was Dad, he got distracted talking to people.

I didn't mind, I loved my little brother, and didn't mind watching him when Mum and Dad went out. It gave me a break from them, they rarely left my side. Particularly Mum. She watched over me and made sure that I didn't have any seizures, and I loved that she cared so much, but it was nice to be able to do what I like without Mum hovering over me, worried all the time.

Her worry only made me nervous and I didn't like being nervous, it made me feel like I was losing control. I liked to be in control. With a mind and body that was so out of control, I tried to keep everything else in my life orderly as much as possible. I liked order, patterns, routines. They made my chaotic life so much easier to bear.

Heading to my room, I looked at all the little china animals that were lined up on my windowsill. This month they were ordered by size, smallest to biggest. Last month, they were ordered alphabetically. I wasn't sure which was my favourite yet. My DVDs were alphabetically arranged, my books by colour and my clothes by material and pattern.

I lay back on my bed, staring at the plastic stars stuck to my ceiling and wishing that it was dark enough outside for me to see the real stars in the sky. But the lamplights always lit the sky outside my window with a dull orange colour and the stars were invisible, if they were there at all. I picked up the book I was reading and read until I felt my eyelids start to droop. 

Hi, hope you liked the second chapter and you were introduced to a new character. What do you think of Harper? 

Also, sorry if the storylines don't add up yet, there are two different perspectives and two different stories at the moment, but don't worry because they will join up soon, everything in good time, my dear friends. 

See you in the next update. K 

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