Chapter forty-two: Carter

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I squeezed Harper's hand as we walked along the path. She gave me a beautiful smile back. 

"Are you warm enough?" I asked. 

"I'm wearing a jacket." She said, gesturing to the jacket she was wearing. "If I was still cold, I would have brought out a coat." She added, rolling her eyes. 

"Just checking." I smiled. "Denim suits you by the way." 

She grinned. "Thanks." She looked up. "It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" 

"Yeah, it is." I said, looking up at the sky before looking back at her. "So beautiful." 

She was still a mystery I had to solve, but I wasn't in a rush to do so. For now, I was happy just having her to hold. 

I could get used to this.

For once, the clouds in my sky had lifted and I could see clearly for the first time in years.

It was all because of her.

She gave me strength.

She gave me light.

She gave me hope.

Her smile healed all the wounds and scars that had hummed with pain for years.

She was the cure I had always needed. And nothing was going to take her away from me.

Not if I could help it.

"I love you." I told her.

"Of course you do. What's not to love?" She joked. "I love you too."

We shared a smile.

Never thought I'd turn into a sappy person. Oh well. My eyes glanced upwards and she copied me, resting her head on my shoulder.

The stars twinkled in the sky as we strolled hand in hand through the park. Maybe I should take her home.

It all happened so fast.

"Don't say a word and I won't hurt the girl." A muffled voice spoke gruffly through a cloth covering his head.

Harper froze under the knife against her throat. Barely breathing.

What did he want? He couldn't be here. Not here. Not now. He couldn't take the only good thing in my life away from me. I wouldn't fucking let him.

"Nicolas Winters." I growled.

...what? It was time to spice things up a bit. See you next week!

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