Chapter fifty-five: Carter

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I waited outside for Harper, we were put in separate interview rooms whilst they tried to determine exactly what happened.

I wonder why. Did they not think we would tell the truth? Was it to make sure the stories added up without us influencing one another? Who cared? The important thing was that we told them everything. I needed to protect her. And if I had to screw up Jake's life to do so, then so be it.

Am I a cruel person?

No. You're not cruel. You just do what has to be done. You do the things no one wants to do.

I remembered what I had said to Harper before she went in.

"Make sure you tell them everything."

I couldn't risk her trying to save her friend. It wasn't worth the risk. If she was safe, that was all he would care about. I may not know much about him, but I was as sure about that as I was about my own name.

She exited with tears in her eyes and the policewoman had an arm around her, she spoke to Harper in a soft, soothing tone. I wondered what she was saying.

Harper looked straight into my eyes and I knew.

Jake was a marked man.


We left the building after a few more questions and pointers from the police and I took her hand as she quelled her tears.

"You did very well." I told her. "I know it wasn't easy, love. But it's for the best. Jake will be fine if he tells them the truth just like we did, and the people who may try to come after us for the death of their boss will be locked up too. We did this to make sure that you would be safe." I whispered into her hair. "You are my life, my light, my soul. And I'm not letting you go again so easily."

She sighed as she looked at me with now-dry eyes.

"What will Jake do?" She whispered.

I took her hand and squeezed it.

"He'll tell the truth." I hope.

"But he'll go to prison." She whispered.

"I know." I said quietly after a minute.

"He was just trying to protect me." She whispered.

"I know. And I know he'll be glad that he did." I reassured her.

"How are you so calm?" She scowled.

"Because there's no use in both of us freaking out."

She scowled harder.

"So what now?"

"We carry on like we always did." I said.

We couldn't do anything else but wait for this storm to pass.

But we would do it together.

That, that I could guarantee.


We ended up at the park, despite the bad memory lurking in the corners. It was still my favourite place despite all that had happened. It was where I met Harper for the first time, and nothing could tarnish that memory for me.

I held her hand all the way there, almost afraid to let go lest she disappear again. In the broad daylight, all my troubles seemed so far away. But looking at Harper, I could tell she didn't feel the same way.

I held her close and she sighed against me.

"Will it always be like this?" She asked.

"I don't know." I told her. "I hope it gets easier, but I just don't know. Memories are strange things."

She nodded.

"Does it fade with time?" She asked.

I thought for a minute, thinking about the raw pain that I still felt.

"No." I replied softly. "No, it doesn't."

I knew it wasn't what she wanted to hear, but I couldn't lie to her. Memories didn't always fade with time. Not these sort. These were the kind of memories that haunted you day and night until you learnt to accept what had happened.

And neither of us were ready for that yet.

But we were trying. That counts for something.

Doesn't it? 

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