Chapter forty: Jake

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So he didn't recognise me? Interesting. He just wanted to 'warn' me. How suave. I guess he doesn't recognise me as his son. Good. I didn't want to resemble him in the slightest. I needed to play this smart, I had to bring him down and I would need Carter's help. Whether he wanted to offer it or not. He was feisty, I liked that. I would need that, if I tried to bring him down. I needed to put an end to his rule of terror over the streets of London.

But how did I defeat him? If there was one thing I knew about my father, it was that he was smart. And ruthless. He wouldn't hesitate to kill if someone got in his way. Not even if it was his own son. I had to watch my back. I had to remain one step in front of him at all times. If I didn't...if I made a could very well be the last one I ever made.

I just needed to be careful.

Yes, be careful Jake. Be very, very careful.

If we joined forces and went against my father, one sudden wrong move could mean the end of both of us. But not just both of us. It could also be the end of everyone we both cared about.

And I had to make him realise that before he did something that would put his girl in danger. I couldn't let Harper get hurt. Even if he didn't realise it, I would be somewhat responsible for her death if I didn't find a way to stop my father. And I couldn't let that happen.

I'd seen too many people get hurt because of me, and I couldn't let it happen again.

Can we trust him? What do you guys think? Double update because it's a short one. Plus I'm back at college tomorrow. ☹ See you soon.

By the way suave is Spanish, meaning 'sweet' for those who may be confused.

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