Chapter seven: Carter

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I tossed on my side. I lay on my back. I pulled a pillow over my eyes. Nothing. I picked up my book only to throw it across the room with a scowl. Why was this happening to me? Why couldn't I fall asleep and stay asleep like normal people? Why did nightmares insist on waking me up each night?

I sighed, dragging on some clothes and heading outside, leaving quietly so as not to disturb Mum, she had work tomorrow too, the last thing she needs is me waking her up. I stalked up the road to the convenience store and bought a bottle of some kind of alcohol before heading outside. Stupid? Sure. Necessary? Hell yes.

Stalking over to the park, I sat on the climbing frame, sipping at the bottle. Watching over the dim night, I swore as I looked over the shadows.

Mum would be really pissed off later if I was hungover. I'd got drunk once before when I was sixteen. I remember we'd had a rare argument about it, and she had made me promise not to do it again. I didn't. At least, not in front of her.

I felt irrationally angry at myself. I was supposed to be up tomorrow to go to work. Why couldn't I sleep peacefully like a normal person? Why did I always have to be afraid of the shadows?

The dark and shadows were two very different things. The dark was necessary. It made us appreciate the light. It made us see things differently. It was peaceful. Shadows were dangerous. Anyone could hide in the shadows. Danger and death thrived in the dark corners of the world. Just out of sight so they didn't alarm us.

They protected us from seeing the harsh reality of the danger we were in every day. But in doing so, they put us in a different kind of danger. They made us fear the unknown.

I sighed, running a hand through my mussed-up hair. Scowling, I took another sip of my drink. Staring out over the scenery and sighing in frustration.

I didn't like being like this, I hated that I needed something to help me sleep. Why was I so restless? Why couldn't I sleep like everyone else?

I knew why. It was because of all the memories that hid in the darkness that tried to attack me when I closed my eyes. I remembered fights with Dad before his death that I never got to make up for. Times I had tortured my sister because I was bored, the satisfaction I would get when she ran off crying to Mum.

All those memories now came back to haunt me. They kept me up and told me off. Reminding me of all the times I'd failed. Why had I always failed?

My head ached and I decided to get down before I hurt myself and went too far. Sinking down underneath the climbing frame, I slugged my drink, trying not to scream in frustration. I should probably stop. I should stop before I hurt myself. Mum would be so mad when I got home. Looking up, I saw a young girl, about seventeen, walking towards the bench and take a seat. She buried her head in her hands and as I watched her, I had the strangest feeling that I knew her from somewhere. But I couldn't remember.

What the hell was she doing out here? Was she crazy? It had to be well past midnight. How could she be so damned stupid as to be out here alone at this time of night? Didn't she realise what could happen out here to an unsuspecting girl such as herself? Bloody stupid kid.

Finishing my drink, I decided to go home to see if I could sleep now with some alcohol to help me. But as I neared the girl on the bench, I stopped and watched her. She seemed so lost. So helpless. And I couldn't leave her, I couldn't leave her whilst she looked so lost. I knew the feeling of being lost, it wasn't nice. And I didn't want other people feeling lost. Didn't want even strangers feeling that way.

She may be stupid. But was I any better? The dark was dangerous. But I could protect her. Protect her like I once tried to protect my sister. Only this time I would make sure to do a better job of it.

This time she wasn't getting away.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Unexpected early update today so you're welcome. Bye for now. K

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