Chapter fifty-seven: Harper

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I whimpered; someone was coming. Someone was coming for me. I was dead. I was screwed.

I felt someone stroke my back gently, "It's okay, Harper. It's okay. I've got you. You're safe with me."

Blinking awake slowly, I looked around at my surroundings, Carter was next to me, stroking my hair from my face and looking worried.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. I've got you, Beautiful." He whispered.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I collapsed into his embrace, blinking back unbidden tears. He rocked me back and forth, gentle, loving. I hadn't been held like that in such a long time, it felt. And it felt good and strange and I loved him I loved him I loved him.

"I've got you. You're safe. It's going to be okay. I won't let them hurt you again." He told me, softly. After a while, my sobs subsided, and I blinked away the tears. I sagged against Carter and we stayed curled up on the sofa for a minute or two.

"I should take you home." He whispered to me, softly. "Your parents must be worried."

I nodded shakily, reluctant to leave his side. Turning me towards him, he pulled me close.

"These nightmares may last a while." He told me. "But I promise I'll be there to dry your tears in the morning. Always."

I nodded and he stroked away tears from my eyes, holding me tight.

"I love you, Harper."

"I love you too, Carter."

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